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International Competitions "Stars of Uzbekistan-2025"

Tashkent [Uzbekistan], [ 19.01.2025 / 23.01.2025 ]
Classic, 64 (Russian), Swiss system, T20 + 10'' move

Tournament type: PERSONAL  Data updated: 22.01.2025 [16:19:38]


Start number 29 № rating sheet 0
Athletes name Guliaev Nikolai Rating 2390
Athletes region RUS Gender of the athlete M
Date of Birth 1990 Title IGM

C Result Full name Athlete Region/Teams Title Rating Gender Poits
1[b]233Mardiyev FayzullaUZBNM2084M8
2[w]24Bolshakova AlbinaRUSWIM2159W8
3[b]144Korolev IuriiRUSIGM2417M9
4[w]132Kolesov GavrilRUSIGM2516M12
5[w]223Zhuravskaia IuliiaRUSWIM2136W7
6[b]140Tsynov ArseniiRUSIM2377M10
7[w]127Egorov AisenRUSIM2276M11
8[b]238Sozinov AntonRUSIGM2319M10
Total: 12 Average rating of opponents (without zeros): 2297
Place: 3 Expected result (According to ELO): 10,1 [ from 16 ]
Tournament odds [Norm]:   Real result: 12 [ from 16 ]
Fulfillment of title [points]: [ NO ] rating change: +5
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