Asian Draughts Championship

Asian Draughts Championship 2013 in draughts-64 ended. 144 players from 9 countries took part in all tournaments of the championship. Byashimov Akhmet from Kazakhstan became a champion among men and Yuldasheva Sayyora from Uzbekistan became a champion among women.  See all results. Full information about championship see on the site of Asian Draughts Confederation HERE.

Asian Draughts Championship 2013 was held at hotel LE GRANDE PLAZA, Tashkent, Uzbekistan from April 25, to May 5, 2013.

The site of hotel

The championship consists from 2 events of 64 (Brazilian) & 100 square championships for both sex categories for Adult (Open), Junior (under 20, born in 1994 or after), Cadets (under 17, born in 1997 or after), Mini Cadets (under 14, born in 2000 or after), Hopes (under 11, born in 2003 or after), Mini Hopes (under 8, born in 2006 or after)

Results of Classic program

 Results of Blitz program

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