Registration of membership in IDF – Section-64 FMJD

In connection with the legal registration and the ordering of our activities all National Federations need to register or entry in International Draughts Federation IDF – Section-64 FMJD.

National Federations – members of the FMJD, which develop draughts-64, should register their membership in the Section-64 FMJD.

application form engl,  application form rus

We also invite to join in our organization National Federations, which develop other types of draughts-64 (in addition to the Russian and Brazilian versions – Czech, Italian draughts, pool checkers, etc.) and non-members of the FMJD

application form engl,  application form rus

Applications are submitted to Executive Board of the IDF – Section-64 FMJD by e-mail: [email protected], [email protected][email protected]

IDF – Section-64 FMJD is the sports organization that develops its sport and spend its funds primarily for its members.

National Federations, which will register in our organization, will get all the rights and privileges for members of  IDF – Section-64 FMJD in full: namely, participation in our competitions, ability of holding the competitions of the official calendar, obtaining official titles for players and referees, honor awards, grants, payment of costs from the organizers for reception of participants (accommodation and meals from each member federation: for 4 participants in the World Youth Championships – 1 participant in each age group; and 1 man and 1 woman in the World (European) Championships among men and women) etc.


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