Asian championships in draughts-64 in Tashkent completed

Asian Championships in draughts-64, Turkish draughts and draughts-100 are held in Tashkent (Uzbekistan) from June 19 to July 2, 2019. The Asian Draughts-64 Championship was held from 19 to 25 June under the auspices of the International Draughts Federation IDF and was qualifying for the World Draughts-64 Championship 2019 among men and women, which will be held in Sveti Vlas (Bulgaria) from September 1 to 10. Competitions in draughts-64 were held in the age categories: veterans 60 years and older; men and women; juniors and youths (boys and girls) up to 20, 17, 14, 11, 9 years. Competitions were held in the three programs: Blitz, Rapid and Classic. See results.

Website of the Asian Draughts Confederation

Results      Classic      Blitz       Rapid    

Asian Team Championship – ADC President Cup

25-06-2019 After the end of the Rapid program, the Asian Team Championship – ADC President Cup was held. The teams consisted of 12 boards, of which 6 boards draughts-100 and 6 boards draughts-64. This is a great example of the constructive interaction of draughts-64 and draughts-100 at the world level!

The winner of the Asian Team Championship was the team of Uzbekistan.

25-06-2019 Today, Rapid program of the Asian championship in draughts-64 was held.

In the Rapid program, in competotions among men and women, the representatives of Uzbekistan became the best. In men, last year’s champion of Uzbekistan, Ramazan Khudoynazarov, won the Asian Championship; Niyara Abdishayeva won women’s championship.

In the youth championship, gold medals were mainly won by representatives of Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan, Chinese girl Cui, Shuchang won in the age group G14.

24-06-2019 Today, after the completion of the classic program, Blitz program of the Asian championship in draughts-64 was held.

The international grandmaster Mirat Zhekeev became the Asian men’s champion. Liu Pei from China won the women’s championship.

In the youth championship, gold medals in their age groups were won by representatives of Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan. The representatives of China and Mongolia won the silver and bronze medal.

24-06-2019 The classic program of the Asian Championship in draughts-64 completed today.

Representatives of Kazakhstan became champions of Asia among men and women. The international grandmaster Mirat Zhekeev won the Asian championship among men, and the international master Altynay Jumagaldieva won the title of champion among women and according to the results of the championship she received the title of “international grandmaster”.

In the youth championship of Asia, gold medals were mainly won by representatives of Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan, the representative of China Zhang, Bowen won in the age group B14.

20-06-2019 Asian Championships in draughts-64, Turkish draughts and draughts-100 started today at the Le Grande Plaza hotel in Tashkent. At the colorful opening ceremony, the participants were greeted by the President of the Asian Draughts Confederation, Mr. Bat-Erdene Chimeddorj, and the President of the Draughts Federation of Uzbekistan, Yunus Aminjonov.

The Asian Championship began with a classic program on the international/Russian version of draughts-64. Competitions are held under the auspices of the International Draughts Federation IDF and are qualifying for the World Draughts-64 Championship 2019 among men and women.

About 170 athletes from Kazakhstan, China, Mongolia, Russia, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Japan take part in the classic program of the Asian Draughts-64 Championship.

See current results.

20-06-2019 Asian Championships in draughts-64, Turkish draughts and draughts-100 will be held in Tashkent (Uzbekistan) from June 19 to July 2, 2019. The Asian Draughts-64 Championship is held from 19 to 25 June under the auspices of the International Draughts Federation IDF and is qualifying for the World Draughts-64 Championship 2019 among men and women, which will be held in Sveti Vlas (Bulgaria) from September 1 to 10. Competitions in draughts-64 will be held in the age categories: veterans 60 years and older; men and women; juniors and youths (boys and girls) up to 20, 17, 14, 11, 9 years. Competitions will be held in three programs.

Classic and Blitz programs will be held on the international/ Russian version of draughts-64, the Rapid program will be held on the Brazilian version of draughts-64.

More than 170 athletes from Kazakhstan, China, Mongolia, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Russia will take part in all categories of the Asian Draughts-64 Championship.

Winners and prize-winners of the competition will receive automatic IDF titles in accordance with the Regulations for the assignment of international titles IDF.

Detailed information about Asian Championships – regulations, schedule, list of participants, as well as operational information about the competitions see on the website of the Asian Draughts Confederation.

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