World Cup in draughts-64 in Uzbekistan completed

The International Draughts Federation (IDF) together with the Uzbekistan Draughts Federation in accordance with the Calendar of the competitions in 2022 held in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, International competition in draughts-64 “Uzbekistan-2022” – World Cup.

International masters Grigory Getmansky and Viktoryia Nikalayeva won the Rapid program of the World Cup!

International grandmasters Andrey Valiuk and Vera Khvaschinskaya won Blitz and Classic program of the World Cup!


Competition tables    Blitz Rapid  |  Classic

Photo     Opening  | Blitz  | Rapid  | Classic       Closing    Blitz and Rapid  |  Classic       

14-05-2022 The World Cup in draughts-64 in Uzbekistan completed.

About 100 players from 8 countries took part in all programs of the World Cup. Among them are 10 grandmasters and 11 international masters.

During the competition, a training seminar for referees was held, in which about 40 coaches, players and representatives of sports schools from Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Kazakhstan took part.

13-05-2022 The Classic program of the World Cup in draughts-64 completed. International grandmasters Andrey Valiuk and Vera Khvaschinskaya became the winners of the Classic program!

Prize-winners of the Claccic program of the World Cup are:

Valiuk Andrei (BDF)
Sarshaev, Mazhit (RDF)
Khudoynazarov Ramazon (UZB)
Khvashchynskaya Vera (BDF)
Nikalayeva Viktoryia (BDF)
Yakubovich, Yana (BDF)

Prize-winners of the Classic program in youth categories:

Juniors-boys U20
Abdurazzokov, Mukhammadsulton
Oltiboyev, Abror
Jiyanboyev, Khusniddin
Juniors-girls U20
Nigmatullayeva, Robiyabonu
Kholikberdiyeva, Khumora
Toshpulatova, Zebiniso
Boys U17
Muraliyev, Laziz
Urmonaliyev, Ozodbek
Vasilev, Daniil (RDF)
Girls U17
Nodirkulova, Malika
Petrova, Polina (RDF)
Sherifi, Mariia (RDF)
Boys U14
Azizov, Sheykhali
Shakhobov, Amirbek
Azizov, Shakhzod
Girls U14
Kakhkhorova, Samira
Abdukhalilova, Feruza
Tolibjonova, Mukhlisa

09-05-2022 Classic program started. 85 players from 7 countries take part in the competition.

Competitions are held according to the Swiss system in 9 rounds, micro-matches of 2 games with a draw of initial moves and positions according to the official IDF table, time control 30’+10″ for each participant until the end of the game.

See current results.

08-05-2022 Rapid was held today. 86 players from 8 countries took part in the competition.

International masters Grigory Getmansky and Viktoryia Nikalayeva won the Rapid program of the World Cup!

Prize-winners of the Rapid program of the World Cup are:

Getmansky Grigory
Valiuk Andrei
Sarshaev, Mazhit
Nikalayeva Viktoryia
Khvashchynskaya Vera
Tursunmurotova Shakhzoda


Prize-winners of the Rapid program in youth categories:

Juniors-boys U20
Jiyanboyev, Khusniddin
Sultonov, Kodirkhon
Abdukhalilov, Abdumajid
Juniors-girls U20
Nigmatullayeva, Robiyabonu
Toshpulatova, Zebiniso
Kholikberdiyeva, Khumora
Boys U17
Rakhmonov, Ulugbek
Muraliyev, Laziz
Urmonaliyev, Ozodbek
Girls U17
Sherifi, Mariia
Nodirkulova, Malika
Petrova, Polina
Boys U14
Azizov, Sheykhali
Azizov, Shakhzod
Shakhobov, Amirbek
Girls U14
Kakhkhorova, Samira
Ivanova, Uliana
Tolibjonova, Mukhlisa

07-05-2022 Blitz was held today. 88 players from 7 countries took part in the competition.

International grandmasters Andrey Valiuk and Vera Khvaschinskaya won the Blitz program of the World Cup!

Prize-winners of the Blitz program of the World Cup are:

Valiuk Andrei
Khudoynazarov Ramazon
Getmansky Alexander
Khvashchynskaya Vera
Bozorova Nigina
Nikalayeva Viktoryia


Prize-winners of the Blitz program in youth categories:

Juniors-boys U20
Sultonov, Kodirkhon
Jiyanboyev, Khusniddin
Rakhimjonov, Sherdor
Juniors-girls U20
Toshpulatova, Zebiniso
Kholikberdiyeva, Khumora
Isakova, Durdona
Boys U17
Urmonaliyev, Ozodbek
Vasilev, Daniil
Muraliyev, Laziz
Girls U17
Toirova, Maftuna
Petrova, Polina
Sherifi, Mariia
Boys U14
Azizov, Shakhzod
Azizov, Sheykhali
Shakhobov, Amirbek
Girls U14
Ivanova, Uliana
Kakhkhorova, Samira
Makhmudova, Mavludakhon

07-05-2022 World Cup in draughts-64 started in Tashkent, capital of Uzbekistan.

The grand opening of the competition took place at 14.00. At the opening, the participants were greeted by representatives of the Ministry of Sports of Uzbekistan, President of the International Draughts Federation (IDF) Vladimir Langin; IDF Vice President and President of the Uzbekistan Draughts Federation Yunus Aminjonov, Deputy Director of Le Grande Plaza Hotel Zokir Gafurov.

International grandmasters Yuri Kirillov, Andrei Valiuk and representative of Kazakhstan Valeri Ten also spoke with a greeting to the participants.

20-03-2022 The International Draughts Federation (IDF) together with the Uzbekistan Draughts Federation in accordance with the Calendar of the IDF competitions in 2022 holds in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, International competition “Uzbekistan-2022” – World Cup in draughts-64.

During the competition, a training seminar for referees with the issuance of certificates will be held.

Invitation published.

Competitions and a training seminar will be held at the Le Grande Plaza Hotel, Tashkent ****, Uzbekiston Ovozi Street 2, 100031 Tashkent, Uzbekistan.

This hotel has repeatedly hosted Asian championships. In 2018, for the first time in Asia, the World Cup in draughts-64 was held.

Competitions will be held in three disciplines: classic, rapid and blitz.

All disciplines will be held according to the Russian version of draughts-64, according to the Swiss system in 7-9 rounds, by the system of micro-matches from two games with a draw of initial moves and positions according to the official IDF table.

In each discipline, winners and prize-winners among men and women will be determined.

Additionally, winners and prize-winners will be determined among juniors (boys and girls) under 20 years old (born in 2003-2005), boys and girls under 17 years old (born in 2006-2008), boys and girls under 14 years old (born in 2009 and younger).

The prize fund of the competition will be at least 2,000 US dollars.

For all questions about participation in competition, please contact the IDF office by e-mail: [email protected]  Applications for participation are submitted to the IDF office until April 15, 2022.

For booking accommodation (no later than April 20, 2022), visa support (no later than April 1, 2022), organization of transfer to the venue of the competition and back, contact the Draughts Federation of Uzbekistan to Alisher Artikov by e-mail: [email protected]

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