International competition dedicated to the 100th anniversary of birthday Vasily Sokov — Final of World Cup in draughts-64 ended. 51 players from Russia, China, Ukraine and Estonia took part in competitions. Belosheyev Sergey (Evpatoria, Ukraine) took 1st place, Skrabov Vladimir (Yaroslavl, Russia) took 2nd place and Melnikov Dmitry (St. Petersburg, Russia) took 3rd place. See results, parties and team standing.
Results and parties
World Cup Final standing
Parties Rounds 1-9
Youth competition Final standing
PHOTO PHOTO from closing ceremony
World Cup ended. Winners:
1st place — Belosheyev Sergey (Evpatoria, Ukraine)
2nd place — Vladimir Skrabov (Yaroslavl, Russia)
3rd place — Melnikov Dmitry (St. Petersburg, Russia)
Best woman — Liu Pei (Shanghai, China)
Best Candidate to Master — Leonidov Daniil (Cheboksari, Russia)
Personal card:
Liu Pei (Shanghai, China)
Date of birth: 26/09/1988
National Master
Coach: Juri Anikeev (Ukraine)
Engaged draughts 4 years
Best results: participant of the 1st World Mind Sports Games (SportAccord 2011) among men and 2nd World Mind Sports Games (IMSA 2012) among women. Champion of China among men (2011) and among women (2012).
Hobbies: reading
Marital status: single
Liu Pei was the best among women.
Personal card:
Melnikov Dmitry (St. Petersburg, Russia)
Date of birth: 30/09/1998
National Candidate to Master
Coach: Langin Vladimir (St. Petersburg, Russia)
Engaged draughts from 7 years
Best results: European Champion among mini-cadets, Prize-winner of Russian Youth Championship among boys 13 years and younger.
He goes to school with intensive study of the English language.
Hobbies: historical films
Dmitry showed very good results in this tournament and performed the norm of National Master.
Belosheyev Sergey lead in the World Cup after 8 rounds with a score of 14 points out of 16.
Vladimir Skrabov is in second position with a score of 13 points out of 16.
Personal card:
Skrabov Vladimir (Yaroslavl, Russia)
Date of birth: 31/05/1975
GMI, current rating 2421 (eleventh in the rating list for men)
Coach: Yurgenson Alexander (Leningrad region, Russia)
Engaged draughts from 10 years
Best results: European Champion in draughts-64 (2007, Blitz), prize-winner of the 1st World Mind Sports Games (SportAccord 2011), multiple Champion of Russia.
Job: President of Draughts Federation of Yaroslavl region, coach.
Hobbies: fishing
Marital status: Married
Belosheyev Sergey lead in the World Cup after 7 rounds with a score of 12 points out of 14.
Personal card:
Belosheyev Sergey (Evpatoria, Ukraine)
Date of birth: 27/04/1986
GMI, current rating 2486 (first in the rating list for men)
Coach: Zhuk Vitaly (Evpatoria, Ukraine)
Engaged draughts from 9 years
Best results: World and European Champion in draughts-64, prize-winner of the 1st World Mind Sports Games (SportAccord 2011) and 2nd World Mind Sports Games (IMSA 2012)
Hobbies: tennis, football
Marital status: Married
Vasily Sokov, one of the greatest players of draughts-64, USSR champion in 1938-41 years, was born December 26, 1912, died March 3, 1944 in the Battle of Narva. December 26 marks the 100th anniversary of his birth. See more information about Vasily Sokov and photo HERE and HERE

Rules of competition
The Section-64 FMJD in accordance with the calendar of the Section-64 competitions in 2012 from 09 December (day of arrival) to 17 December (departure day) in St. Petersburg (Russia) holds international competition dedicated to the 100th anniversary of birthday Vasily Sokov — Final of World Cup in draughts-64.
1. Goals and objectives.
Competitions are held in order to:
— Promotion and development of draughts;
— improvement and respect for international titles;
— the reveal of the winner of the World Cup 2012;
— The strengthening of friendly relations between the draughts players from different countries.
2. The place and time of the competition.
Competitions are held in SDUSSHOR of Chess and Draughts at:
St. Petersburg, Bolshaya Koniushennaya, 25 (metro station «Gostinny Dvor», facing Canal of Griboyedov) from 09 December (day of arrival) to 17 December (departure day) 2012.
3. Leaders of the competition.
General management, organization and carrying out of competitions are held by the Section-64 FMJD — International Draughts Federation IDF and Draughts Federation of Saint Petersburg. Direct responsibility of the holding of the competition rest with the panel of referees, approved by Section-64 FMJD — International Draughts Federation IDF.
4. The competition program.
The program of events:
1. Competitions in draughts-64 (men, women) — Final of World Cup;
2. Youth competitions in draughts-64 — for boys and girls (with offset by age group).
In the youth tournaments provided team standings. Team: 3 boys and 1 girl.
5. The competitors.
The participation in the competition among men and women is allowed for the players who have rank not lower than «Candidate of Master», in the youth competitions — players born no later than 1996, who paid the entrance fee and registered in accordance with this regulation time. The number of participants representing the country is not limited.
6. The conditions of the competition.
Competitions are held according to the rules of Section-64 FMJD. The system of competition is Swiss.
Final of World Cup held in Russian version of draughts 64 by the system of micro-matches consist of two games with the draw of the initial moves and positions, required in both parties of micro-match. Youth competitions are held in the classic draughts 64.
Time control:
Final of World Cup — 45 minutes to each participant before the end of the party, plus 10 seconds per move.
In the youth competitions — 1 hour to each participant before the end of the party.
7. Determination of winners.
Places of participants are determined by the biggest amount of points.
In the team classification by the largest amount of points scored by all team members.
In case the same result of two or more participants, the additional criteria established by the panel of referees in accordance with the rules of the FMJD.
8. Awarding.
Final of World Cup:
Participants who took 1st place in each tournament will be awarded with cups and diplomas.
Participants who took 2-3 places in each tournament will be awarded with diplomas.
The team, which has won 1st place awarded with cup and diplomas, participants with diplomas.
Teams placing 2-3 places and it’s participants are awarded with diplomas.
The prize fund of Final of World Cup is 80% of the collected fees.
Overall standings of the World Cup:
In accordance with the Regulations of the World Cup points in the overall standings of the World Cup are given to players, who took in the stage of World Cup places from 1 to 15, points in the final stage increased 1.5 times:
Place Points
1 37,5
2 31,5
3 27
4 22,5
5 21
6 19,5
7 16,5
8 15
9 13,5
10 12
11 9
12 7,5
13 4,5
14 3
15 1,5
Participant who took the 1st place in the overall World Cup is awarded with cup, a medal and diploma.
Participants who took 2-3 places in the overall World Cup are awarded with medals and diplomas.
The prize fund of the World Cup in 2012 is formed according to the Regulations of the World Cup.
Participants are required to attend the awards ceremony; otherwise they lose their official awards.
9. Financial conditions.
The organizers will provide accommodation winners of five previous stages of the World Cup.
The costs of their travel, meals, payment the entry fee and the cost of sending the other participants by sending organizations.
Entry fee:
In the Final of World Cup — 1000 rubles for each participant.
In youth competitions — 600 rubles for each participant.
10. Applications.
Participation in the competition must be confirmed no later than November 15, 2012 at:
Langin Vladimir, tel. + 7 921 9562001, e-mail [email protected]
Viktor Makarov, tel. +7 911 9383755, e-mail [email protected]
11. Contact:
With all hospitality, visa (up to 03.11.2012) and travel questions please contact:
Langina Antonina, tel. + 7 921 7777231, e-mail [email protected]
Information about the tournament will be posted on site of Draughts Federation of St. Petersburg and Section-64 site
12. Schedule
Date |
Day of the week |
Time |
Event |
December 9 | Sunday | 09.00 – 20.00 | Participants’ arrival |
15.00 – 20.00 | Participants’ registration | ||
20.00 | Draw | ||
December 10 | Monday | 12.00 | Opening ceremony |
13.00 | 1st round | ||
December 11 | Tuesday | 17.00 | 2nd round |
December 12 | Wednesday | 13.00 | 3rd round |
17.00 | 4th round | ||
December 13 | Thursday | 17.00 | 5th round |
December 14 | Friday | 13.00 | 6th round |
17.00 | 7th round | ||
December 15 | Saturday | 12.00 | 8th round |
15.30 | Bus excursion | ||
December 16 | Sunday | 10.00 | 9th round |
16.00 | Closing ceremony | ||
December 17 | Monday | Participants’ departure |