3rd Stage of World Cup — International competition «Tikhvin – 2013»

TikhvinInternational draughts-64 competition «Tikhvin – 2013» — 3rd Stage of World Cup 2013 was held from June 21 (day of arrival) to June 29, 2013 in Tikhvin, Russia.  Vladimir Skrabov won. Sergey Boyko from Ukraine took the 2nd place and Andrey Gaidukov from Tikhvin took 3rd place. See results.




Classic program, final standing



Announcement_engl        Announcement_rus       Travel information

Goals and objectives

Competitions are held in order to:
— promotion and development of draughts-64;
— improvement and respect for international titles;
— the reveal of the winner of the 3rd Stage of World Cup 2013;
— the strengthening of friendly relations between the draughts players from different countries.

Leaders of the competition

General management, organization and carrying out of competitions held by the FMJD Section-64 – IDF, Committee on Physical Culture, Sport and Tourism of the Leningrad region, Draughts Federation of  Leningrad region and Administration of  the Tikhvin district of Leningrad region. Direct responsibility of the conduct of the competition makes the panel of judges.

Place, date

Competitions are held from June 21 (day of arrival) to June 29, 2013 in Tikhvin (Russia), in Chess and Draughts club (4th Micro-region, 13/14).
Opening ceremony will be June 22, at 11.00.


The participation in the 3rd Stage of World Cup is allowed for all players regardless of age and rating, with a sport category not less than
candidate of master of sports, who paid the entry fee and registered. The number of participants representing the country is not limited.


Competitions are held according to the FMJD rules in accordance with these Rules and Regulations of Jury. Competitions are held on the two programs: classic and blitz.

Competitions are held by the Swiss system, 9 rounds, in Russian version of draughts-64, by the system of micro-matches from two games with the draw of the moves on the table for the classic draughts, approved by the Draughts Federation of Russia.

The norm of the title of Master of Sports of Russia and Grandmaster of Russia will be set at the tournament for Russian players.

Tournament fees

— foreign participants – no fee.
— participants, representing Leningrad region – 250 rubles.
— participants, representing Tikhvin – 100 rubles.
— other participants – 1000 rubles.


Travel expenses, accommodation and meals paid by sending organizations.

Accommodation is available in the hostel in 2-3 bed rooms with shared facilities from 350 rubles per person; and in the hotel: 1100 rubles per person per day with a breakfast.


Participants who took 1-3 places in both programs will be awarded by diplomas of FMJD Section-64 -IDF, medals and money prizes. Participant who took the 1st place also will be awarded by the Cup. The winners of  places 4-6 in the main program will be awarded by money prizes.

The prize fund will be 30000 rub.

Participants must to be on the closing ceremony, in breach of the item they are deprived of prizes.


Necessary to confirm participation in the competition no later than June 11, 2013 to Gaydukov Andrey (vice-president of the Draughts Federation of Leningrad region) by phone +7964398877 or e-mail [email protected]

Tournament information will be found at the sites of FMJD Section-64- IDF http://www.fmjd64.org and Draughts Federation of Russia http://fshr.ucoz.ru

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