European Youth Championship

International Draughts Federation IDF — FMJD Section-64 in accordance with the calendar of the competitions in 2014 holds Personal-team European Youth Championship in draughts-64 from April 29th, (arrival day) till May 07th, 2014 in Pinsk, Brest region, Belarus. Blitz was held April 30th. Rapid was held May 1st. See results and photo. Closing ceremony of blitz and rapid was held May 5th. See photo. Classic program was held from May 2nd to May 7th. See final standings and photo from closing ceremony.



Classic program ended today.

Champions — Boys  
Ilyasov Ivan RUS (B10), Leonidov Daniil RUS (B13), Bursuk Anton RUS (B16), Bychkov Daniil RUS  (B19)

Champions — Girls
Chesnokova Maria  BLR (G10), Minina Vera RUS (G13), Denisova Valeria RUS (G16), Khvaschinskaya Vera BLR (G19)

Team standing                     Photo from closing ceremony 



See team standing before the last round  HERE



Closing ceremony of blitz and rapid was held today at 17.00. See  PHOTO.



Classic program are held from May 2nd to May 7th. See results and  PHOTO.

Boys   B10 | B13 | B16 | B19

Girls   G10 | G13 | G16 | G19



Rapid is held today.  See results and  PHOTO

Boys   B10 | B13 | B16 | B19

Girls   G10 | G13 | G16 | G19

Champions — Boys  
Skorobogatov Alexander RUS (B10), Volkov Nikita RUS (B13), Egolin Vitaly RUS (B16), Bragin Egor RUS  (B19)

Champions — Girls

Babanly Ulkar AZE (G10), Lapenkova Elena RUS (G13), Denisova Valeria RUS (G16), Khvaschinskaya Vera BLR (G19)



Blitz is held today. 151 player participates. See results  and   PHOTO

Boys   B10 | B13 | B16 | B19

Girls   G10 | G13 | G16 | G19 

Champions — Boys 
Skorobogatov Alexander RUS (B10), Leonidov Daniil RUS (B13), Gayazov Shamil RUS (B16), Norkus Domantas LTU (B19)

Champions — Girls 
Chesnokova Maria BLR (G10), Lazovik Yana BLR (G13), Denisova Valeria RUS (G16), Khvaschinskaya Vera BLR (G19)

Opening ceremony was held at 11.00 am.  PHOTO



190 players declared in the list of participants.

List of participant

Boys   B10 |  B13 | B16 | B19

Girls   G10G13 | G16 | G19



Announcement rus        Announcement engl

Place, date

Championship will be held at Universal sport center of physical culture and sports of Polessky State University, street Irkutsk-Pinsk Division 46, Pinsk, Brest region, Belarus, from April 29, (arrival day) till May 07, 2014.

Credentials Committee will work April 29, from 14.00 till 22.00.

All participants must have medical insurance for the period of competition.

Participants who did not pass the Credentials Committee to 22.00 participate in the additional draw which will be held April 30, at 12.30. These participants pay an additional fee 20 Euro.

Participants will be allowed to enter the hall only to spare shoes. Coaches will be able to watch the games from the stands. Ice Palace, a 50-meter swimming pool, pool tables and table tennis tables and sauna are available at the sport center for an additional fee. City tour and boat trip on the Pripyat River will be organized.

Tournament regulations

Championship will be held separately for boys and girls in four age groups: juniors born in 1995-97, the cadets born in 1998-00, the junior cadets born in 2001-03 and hopes born in 2004 and later, in the three types of programs:

Classic game with time control 45 minutes till the end of the game + 10 seconds per move;
Rapid with time control 10 minutes till the end of the game + 5 seconds per move;
Blitz with time control 3 minutes (participants born 2001 and later — 5 minutes) till the end of the game + 3 seconds per move.

System of competition is Swiss or round robin, depending on the number of participants.

All programs are held in the Russian version of draughts-64 by the system of micro-matches consist of two games.

The draw of the first move of the white binding on both games of the micro-match is held in the juniors and the cadets competitions.

Team standing is defined by the maximum amount of points scored 8 best players (one from each age group for boys and girls) in the classic game. Team places are determined also separately for boys and girls teams according the maximum amounts of points scored 4 best players (one in each age group for boys or girls) in the classic game.

Requirements for participants

Winners of European Youth Championship-2013, the participants claimed by national federations are allowed to participate in Personal-team European Youth Championship-2014.

Participants must to be on the closing ceremony of the competition.
In breach of the item they are deprived of official awards.


Applications for participation in the Championship must be submitted only from national Federations on e-mail: [email protected], [email protected] not later than April 15, 2014.

Participants declared national federations after the deadline will pay an additional fee 10 euros.

Participants not included in the application of national federations will not be allowed to competitions.

Tournament fees

Each participant of the competitions should pay organizational tournament fee at the day of arrival:
three representatives of each country in every age group among boys and girls pay 30 (thirty) euros for participating in the classic program, 10 (ten) euros for the blitz program and 10 (ten) euros for the rapid program.

For other players tournament fees are 60 (sixty) euros for the classic program, 20 (twenty) euros for the blitz and 20 (twenty) euros for rapid program.

Accommodation and meals

Hotel accommodation will be in 1-4 bed rooms with facilities in the room at the hostel and at hotels «Volna» and «University». The hotels have Wi-Fi. Places will be booked in the order of receipt of applications.

The organizers will provide accommodation and meals for one participant (boy or girl) in each of the four age groups (total 4 participants) from  April, 29 (starting with dinner), to May, 7 (ending with lunch) for each country – member of the International Draughts Federation IDF — FMJD Section-64.

Their travel costs, as well as the costs of accommodation, meals and travel of other participants pays by their sending organizations.

Participants who provide accommodation and meals by organizers are required to participate in all three programs: classic, rapid and blitz.

The cost of accommodation and meals per person per day for the remaining participants depending on the housing options will be:

1. Hostel of Polessky State University

Block 2+ 2                 21 euros

2. Hotel «Volna»

2-3 bed rooms           28 euros
single room               29 euros
Suite                         30 euros

3. Hotel «University»

2-3 bed rooms           30 euros

Payment will be in Belarusian rubles at the exchange rate on April 29.


You can go by different types of transport to Pinsk. There is a direct train from Moscow, number 075, from Vilnius-daily bus service. You can also go to Minsk and then go to Pinsk by bus or train (300 km). Bus fare — 8-10 euros, train — 3 euros. You can also go to the stations Ivatsevichi or Zhabinka and then on diesel trains to Pinsk.

April 29 the organizers will meet and take to the place of competition all visitors who reported arrival time in Pinsk.

Program of competition

Date Time Event
29 / 04 09.00 – 22.00 Arrival day
14.00 – 22.00 Registration of participants
22.00 Draw
30 / 04 11.00 Opening ceremony
15.00 Blitz
01 / 05 10.00 Rapid
15.00 Rapid
02 / 05 10.00 1 round
15.00 2 round
03 / 05 10.00 3 round
04 / 05 10.00 4 round
15.00 5 round
05 / 05 10.00 6 round
06 / 05 10.00 7 round
15.00 8 round
07 / 05 10.00 9 round
16.00 Closing ceremony
17.00 Departure of participants


IDF -Section-64:  Langin Vladimir, mob +7 9219562001, e-mail [email protected], [email protected]


On all questions about obtaining visas (up to 01 April 2014), travel to the competition and back you should contact
with Aniska Alexander, tel +375 2911 51830  (mobile); e-mail: [email protected], skype: aniska1959.

For booking accommodation you should contact with Novitskaya Marina, tel +375 2959 80462 (mobile); e-mail: [email protected]

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