General Assembly of the International Draughts Federation (IDF)-Section-64 FMJD

International Draughts Federation (IDF) — Section-64 FMJD according to the Board’s decision on 23 July 2014 holds 19 October 2014 in St. Petersburg (Russia) report and elective General Assembly of the International Draughts Federation (IDF) — Section-64 FMJD. Arrival of delegates 18 and 19 October 2014.

Invitation GA-64 en     Invitation GA-64 rus      Agenda GA-64 en     Agenda GA-64 rus

From each national federation-member of the International Draughts Federation IDF — Section-64 FMJD allowed one delegate with voting rights.

Members of the Board and Technical Commission wiil participate at the General Assembly as well.

Registration and accreditation of delegates — 19 October at 16.30.
Opening of the General Assembly at 17.00.
Closing of the General Assembly at 20.00.

Participants of the General Assembly provided with accommodation and meals from 18 October (dinner) to 20 October (breakfast). Costs of their travel and visa paid by sending organizations.

Turnout and registration of delegates is at the hotel «Azimut Hotel Saint-Petersburg» Russia, St. Petersburg, Lermontovsky prospekt, 43/1.

Confirmation of participation before 30 September in the office IDF — Section-64 FMJD by e-mail: [email protected].

Applications for visa support (until 18 September 2014), reservation of accommodation (before 30 September 2014) — Langina Antonina by e-mail: [email protected].

Board of the International Draughts Federation (IDF) — Section-64 FMJD  ask federations to prepare proposals for the development of draughts-64, calendar of competitions for 2015, and others.

Proposals must be sent no later than 18 September 2014 at the following addresses:
Office IDF — Section-64 FMJD e-mail: [email protected].
Chairman of the Technical Commission Alexander Nikiforov e-mail: [email protected].

Applications for competitions on 2015 must be sent until 15 September 2014 to the following addresses:
Office IDF — Section-64 FMJD e-mail: [email protected].
President Vladimir Langin: [email protected], [email protected]


1. Registration and accreditation of delegates.
2. Opening of the General Assembly.
3. Report of President on the activities of the International Draughts Federation (IDF) —  Section-64 FMJD for the period from September 2012 to October 2014.
4. Financial report for 2012, 2013.
5. Report of the Audit Commission.
6. Elections of the President.
7. Elections of Board members.
8. Changes of the Charter.
9. Priority directions of activity, calendar of events for 2015-2018 years.
10. Proposals from national federations.
11. International titles.
12. Miscellaneous.
— Proposals from Technical Commission
— Membership fees
— Relation with FMJD
13. Closing of the General Assembly.

Program of the General Assembly:
Registration and accreditation of delegates 16.30-17.00
Opening of the General Assembly 17.00
Closing of the General Assembly 20.00
Dinner 20.30

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