FMJD General Assembly

 FMJD General Assembly was held September 23, 2013 in Wageningen, Netherlands.  See short report of the Section-64 about events at the Assembly an English  HERE  and in Russian HERE.


Recently the FMJD Board announced the electronic voting to divide Section-64, which for 20 years has developed Russian and Brazilian draughts, into two separate organizations.

In result of our recent request to the Board about the electronic voting note:

1. Decisions of the commission created by the General Assembly in Wageningen on Section-64 issues are absent.

2. In the documents sent out to the electronic voting the e-mail of Polish Draughts Federation was spoofed. Original letter to the General Assembly on the establishment of the Brazilian section, dated 21.09.2013, ie two days before the General Assembly. This letter does not have the right to appear in the documents of the agenda and considered in the General Assembly. It is a direct and rude violation of the FMJD Statutes. Letter from the Polish Federation of 22.01.2014 sent out
with documents on electronic voting instead of the previous one, is not more than only opinion of the Polish Federation and cannot be a subject to vote.

3. Finally, according to the FMJD Statutes, I am the president of the Section-64 (Russian/Brazilian).
Accordingly, in case of separation of the Section-64 into Russian and Brazilian I will remain President of both new structures. ….

See the full text HERE


In additional to statements of Mr. Otten about paranoia and «inferiority» of people from the former Soviet Union we present a letter of Mr. Teer from 21-01-2014 after publication of the correct report of the General Assembly FMJD.

Dear members of the Executive Board,

I have tried to do my best on the report of the General Assembly.
Clearly my best is not enough for the russians and Belarussians who have only one goal:
There is a long history starting in or may be even before the 90-s with insults, accusations and negativism from their side.
In my view these people only want one thiing:
To destroy FMJD and become the main version of draughts with their childrens game on 64.
The comment of our colleugue, the great Vladimir Langin, is clear enough:
Hence, there is professional incompetence of Mr. Teer, his clear inability to perform the functions of the General Secretary. If so, we ask him to resign.

I hope Russia can deliver a good general secretary.

Then we can be sure that the GA report consists of nothing but lies.
Well the statement of my colleague in the FMJD board Langin is clear.
This is my last mail

I wish you all good luck fighting these bastards.

Best regards,
Frank Teer
General Secretary FMJD


Report of the FMJD General Assembly 23.09.2013 in Wageningen  is written incorrectly, with large inaccuracies and distortions, especially with respect to the Section-64. We took into account the experience of the General Assembly in 2012 in Lille which report was misleading. So we made an audio recording of the General Assembly to prevent intentional distortion. We checked report of the General Secretary Mr. Teer and found many inconsistencies. We fixed report according to an audio recording. See letter to members FMJD and correct report HERE


Recently FMJD leadership resumed active operations aimed at destroying draughts-64 as an international sport. Instead of welcoming the huge successes in the development of Section-64, the structural unit of FMJD, leadership of FMJD through all available methods of trying to discredit our game and Section-64 at the international level, to usurp the right to represent the sport «Draughts» exclusively for draughts-100. Leadership of FMJD plans to do electronic voting on issues related to the Section-64. We believe that electronic voting is illegitimate. See letters with our position.

Letter of Vladimir Langin engl

Letter of Vladimir Langin rus

Leller from FSHR


FMJD General Assembly was held September 23, 2013 in Wageningen, Netherlands, directly after the FMJD World Cup tournament.

Prior to the meeting, September 22 evening, a meeting of the FMJD President Harry Otten and the FMJD Section-64 — IDF President Vladimir Langin was held. In a business setting the position of the Section-64 was voiced on a number of key issues, were discussed the problems of the relationship and interaction between the FMJD and the Section-64, the prospects for further cooperation. Mutual understanding was reached on a number of issues between the FMJD and the Section-64.

But in the process of the General Assembly of our agreements have been violated.

As results of the last General Assembly we note that the FMJD Board still deliberately maintains a conflict within the FMJD. We made ​​another attempt to engage in a constructive dialogue and come to a mutually acceptable decisions, but to no avail.

The General Assembly of the FMJD Section-64 entrusted the Section-64 Board responsibility for the development of the draughts-64 in the world, so we will defend our position and interests of the draughts-64 in all instances by all means provided by law.

Short report of the Section-64 about events at the Assembly see an English HERE and in Russian HERE.


FMJD Executive Board sent to the national federations documents for GA. See FMJD Section-64 protest against the creation of a separate section of the Brazilian draughts.

Protest of FMJD Section-64

Section-64 protests against the inclusion in the agenda of the General Assembly FMJD proposals of Polish and Brazilian Draughts Federation to establish a separate Section of the Brazilian draughts.

Section-64 develops Russian and Brazilian draughts for many years, holds on them World Championships and World Cups. Section-64 are held the 1st Mind Sport Games IMSA in draughts-64 for men on the Brazilian version in 2008 (Beijing) and the 2nd Mind Sport Games IMSA (26th World Championship) in Lille in 2012.

Brazilian draughts are not only two countries — Poland and Brazil, but more than 30 countries who took part in the official competition of the Section-64 for Brazilian draughts.

Representatives of 10 countries — Russia, Ukraine, Moldova, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Brazil, Belarus, Uzbekistan, the United States (Cooperman) became prize-winners of the World Championships and Mind Sport Games on Brazilian version.

Addressing life of the sections — it is an internal affair of the sections. Sections have their own General Assembly and its leadership according to the regulations of FMJD.

1. We consider that the inclusion in the agenda proposals of the Polish and Brazilian Draughts Federation to establish a separate Section of the Brazilian draughts contradictory regulations FMJD.

2. We offer to forward these proposals to the General Assembly of Section-64 which will take place in 2014.


FMJD Executive Board sent to the national federations documents for GA.

FMJD Section-64 had long negotiations with the leadership FMJD. Unfortunately, the leadership FMJD not interested in the development of all kinds of draughts-64 in the world. It sees FMJD as an organization for the draughts-100 in which the draughts-64 should be as weak separate sections for different types of draughts-64 without the support of FMJD and without participation in the World Mind Games of SportAccord and IMSA.

FMJD leadership, breaking their rules and regulations, is trying to initiate a split in draughts-64. We call upon all countries not to succumb to provocations. We will not allow to split the movement of draughts-64!

FMJD Section-64 developing Russian and Brazilian draughts for many years and spends on them World Championships and World Cup.
FMJD Section-64 — International Draughts Federation conducted additional stages of the World Cup on the Italian and Czech draughts in 2013. We plan to develop other types of draughts on 64-cell board and help them. We have all possibilities for this.

Draughts-64 represented in almost all countries of the world, must take its rightful place in the sports world!


Section-64 proposals

Section-64 report


Section-64 sent to countries-member of FMJD and FMJD Executive board its proposals for the agenda of the General Assembly. See letter from FMJD Section-64 HERE. We note that our proposals relate primarily to the status of draughts-64 in the international sports movement.

 № 38 Proposals from Section-64 on the agenda of FMJD General Assembly

31-05-2013                 Agenda_GA


The General Assembly of FMJD scheduled in Ufa June 6, 2013 will not happen. See letters from FMJD Executive Board HERE


Letter from FMJD Section-64 — IDF


Next FMJD General Assembly will be held on June 6, 2013 in Ufa, Russia.

Announcement letter from FMJD

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