
International youth team competition on the Cup «Golden dame»

ХХXІII International youth team competition on the Cup «Golden dame» was helds from January 4 to  January 9, 2014 in Moscow (Russia). More than 80 young players, 21 teams from three countries: Belarus, Latvia and Russia took part in the competitions. Personally-team blitz, draughts relay and the main program — team tournament with classical time control, traditionally was held. See more information and results HERE


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Olympic torch relay in Kazan

Olympic torch relay continues its procession all over Russia. Master of Sports of Russia, a multiple draughts champion of Russia among visually impaired people Gataullina Eldyz became a participant the Olympic torch relay in Kazan, December 30, 2013.


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Christmas puzzle from Harm Wiersma

6 times world champion Harm Wiersma published Christmas puzzle (together  with chess and bridge) in the largest Newspaper of the Netherlands. In the draughts column a lot of «64» positions. All fans of draughts invited to participate in solving this Christmas puzzle. The newspaper give 5 prizes for good solutions of 100 Euro each.  Please send your solution as soon as possible (далее…)

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World Cup 2013 is over

World Cup 2013 in draughts-64 is over. Vladimir Skrabov won. Second and third prize winners were defined in the last Stage of World Cup in St. Petersburg. Dmitry Tsinman took second place and Gavril Kolesov took third place. Valeria Denisova was the best among women. Dmitry Melnikov was the best among boys born in 1997 and younger. See final standing HERE


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