
2nd Stage of World Cup — International competition “Rimini-2013”

2nd Stage of World Cup — International draughts-64 competition “Rimini-2013” ended. Competition was held from June 9 to June 14, 2013 , at the Hotel «New Primula***» , Viale Trento 12, Rimini, Italy. Players of the top-10, international grandmasters Oleg Dashkov, Gavril Kolesov, Dmitry Tsinman, Vladimir Skrabov took part in competitions. Gavril Kolesov won Italian version, Dmitry Tsinman won Brazilian version and Vladimir Skrabov  won Russian version. See all results, photo and World Cup standing after 2 Stages.


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SportAccord Convention in St. Petersburg, Russia

In St. Petersburg,  the work of the International Convention SportAccord  completed. Today, May 31, the General Assembly of SportAccord was held, where SportAccord presidential elections took place  — in place of the retiring Hein Verbruggen. President of the International Judo Federation Marius Vizer became the new president of SportAccord. (далее…)

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World Draughts-64 Championship in Pernambuco, Brazil, canceled

The leader of the Brazilian Draughts Federation Lelio Marcos canceled World Draughts-64 Championship among men (Brazilian version), which was to be held in Pernambuco, Brazil, 18-28 November 2013. Section-64 formally announces that the World Draughts-64 Championship among men (Brazilian version) in Pernambuco, Brazil, 18-28 November 2013, canceled.

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