President of the FMJD Section-64 – IDF Vladimir Langin gave an interview about draughts on TV (channel Your Public Television).
3rd Stage of World Cup – International competition «Tikhvin – 2013»
International draughts-64 competition «Tikhvin – 2013» – 3rd Stage of World Cup 2013 was held from June 21 (day of arrival) to June 29, 2013 in Tikhvin, Russia. Vladimir Skrabov won. Sergey Boyko from Ukraine took the 2nd place and Andrey Gaidukov from Tikhvin took 3rd place. See results. (more…)
2nd Stage of World Cup – International competition “Rimini-2013”
2nd Stage of World Cup – International draughts-64 competition “Rimini-2013” ended. Competition was held from June 9 to June 14, 2013 , at the Hotel «New Primula***» , Viale Trento 12, Rimini, Italy. Players of the top-10, international grandmasters Oleg Dashkov, Gavril Kolesov, Dmitry Tsinman, Vladimir Skrabov took part in competitions. Gavril Kolesov won Italian version, Dmitry Tsinman won Brazilian version and Vladimir Skrabov won Russian version. See all results, photo and World Cup standing after 2 Stages.
New FMJD titles in draughts-64 assigned
New FMJD titles in draughts-64 assigned on the basis of competitions 2012-2013. We congratulate all the players and referees who have received official FMJD titles!
The International Draughts Federation (IDF) officially registered!
The International Draughts Federation (IDF), founded July 12, 2012 for development of draughts-64 in the world, was officially registered June 5, 2013, in Bulgaria (code 176513387). (more…)
Registration of membership in IDF – Section-64 FMJD
In connection with the legal registration and the ordering of our activities all National Federations need to register or entry in International Draughts Federation IDF – Section-64 FMJD.
International tournament in draughts-64 “Jogeva-2013”
International tournament in draughts-64 “Jogeva-2013” will held from July 29 to August 03, 2013 in Jõgeva Gymnasium (Jogeva, Rocha str. 10, Estonia). (more…)
SportAccord Convention in St. Petersburg, Russia
In St. Petersburg, the work of the International Convention SportAccord completed. Today, May 31, the General Assembly of SportAccord was held, where SportAccord presidential elections took place – in place of the retiring Hein Verbruggen. President of the International Judo Federation Marius Vizer became the new president of SportAccord. (more…)
World Draughts-64 Championship in Pernambuco, Brazil, canceled
The leader of the Brazilian Draughts Federation Lelio Marcos canceled World Draughts-64 Championship among men (Brazilian version), which was to be held in Pernambuco, Brazil, 18-28 November 2013. Section-64 formally announces that the World Draughts-64 Championship among men (Brazilian version) in Pernambuco, Brazil, 18-28 November 2013, canceled.
The 1st Russian draughts competition in Uganda
The 1st Russian draughts championship ever to be conducted in Uganda have taken place at the YMCA Kampala premises on Saturday 18th May 2013. The winner of the competition received the right to represent Uganda at the World Championship in St. Petersburg. Russia.