A new FMJD Statute not adopted!

 Extraordinary General Assembly FMJD was held August 19, 2012 at the Grand Palace (Lille, France). See GA report HERE and Accompanying letter of General Secretary of FMJD Mr. F. Teer HERE   

See opinion of world champion, International Grandmaster Anatoly Gantvarg about events on an Extraordinary General Assembly HERE, HERE and HERE.  Extraordinary General Assembly FMJD was held August 19, 2012 at the Grand Palace (Lille, France).

Representatives of 25 national federations participated in the Assembly.

 It is interesting that in a conflict situation FMJD — FSHR — FMSH right to vote was extended to national Draughts Federation of Russia but not to regional federation of international draughts from Bashkortostan.
At the proposal of the Belarusian Federation of Draughts delegates of Assembly votes 13:9 for not to consider discriminatory version of the Statutes presented by FMJD President Harry Otten for approval.
FMJD Executive Board resorted to blackmail and left the courtroom. Next on the Assembly was put unprecedented pressure from the representative of Dutch Draughts Federation Marcel Kosters.
Despite this, the delegates of the Assembly proposed to found a commission for a new Statute FMJD benefit all federations, including developing different types of draughts. The commission was asked to include 3 representatives from sections 100, 64 and Checkers. Passed a vote — 12: 10 in favor. However, returning to the room President Harry Otten, in violation of all the rules and procedures of the statute FMJD spent re roll-call vote on the issue. The new bill 11:11. Finally, it was decided to gather representatives of sections 100, 64 and checkers 20 August to determine what should be the new Statute FMJD.
At the suggestion of the Chinese delegation the FMJD Executive Board was invited to return to his duties.
Elections were also held: instead of first vice-president Fofana from Mali, who have 2 years of not performing his duties and not made contact, for first vice-president was elected representative of China.

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