Uzbekistan to host World Cup in draughts-64

The International Draughts Federation (IDF) together with the Uzbekistan Draughts Federation in accordance with the Calendar of the IDF competitions in 2025 will be held The World Cup in draughts-64 – International competition “Uzbekistan-2025” in the capital of Uzbekistan, Tashkent from May 10 to May 18, 2025.
Competitions were held in three disciplines: Classic, Rapid and Blitz.

Invitation has been published.


22-01-2025 The International Draughts Federation (IDF) together with the Uzbekistan Draughts Federation in accordance with the Calendar of the IDF competitions in 2025 will be held The World Cup in draughts-64 – International competition “Uzbekistan-2025” in the capital of Uzbekistan, Tashkent from May 10 to May 18, 2025.

Venue: Abi Hotel at the address: st. Mukimi, 3B, Tashkent (Uzbekistan).
Dates: from May 10 (arrival day) to May 18 (departure day), 2025.
The Credentials Committee will work on May 10 from 18.00 to 20.00.

Competitions will be held according to the international/russian version of draughts-64.
Competitions will be held in three disciplines: Classic, Rapid and Blitz.

All disciplines will be held according to the Swiss system in 7-9 rounds by the system of micro-matches from two games with a draw of initial moves and positions according to the official IDF table valid from 01.01.2024.  Draw is obligatory in both games of micro-match.

In each discipline, winners and prize-winners among men and women will be determined.

Additionally, winners and prize-winners will be determined in the following categories (if there are at least 6 players in the age category):

juniors (boys and girls) under 23 years old (born in 2003-2005)
juniors (boys and girls) under 20 years old (born in 2006-2008)
boys and girls under 17 years old (born in 2009-2011)
boys and girls under 14 years old (born in 2012-2014)
boys and girls under 11 years old (born in 2015 and younger).

The prize fund of the competition will be at least 2,100 US dollars.

For all questions about participation in competition, please contact the IDF office by e-mail: [email protected]. Submission of applications until April 15, 2025.

For booking accommodation (no later than April 15, 2025), visa support (no later than April 1, 2025), organization of transfer to the venue of the competition and back contact the Draughts Federation of Uzbekistan to Alisher Artikov by e-mail: [email protected]

Follow the current information about competitions on the website of the International Draughts Federation

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