Fund “Russian Draughts” goes to a wide audience

The Fund for promotion and development of draughts sport “Russian Draughts” open its own news site. With the opening organizers of the Fund expect to attract the maximum attention of the general reader to one of the most popular games in the world – draughts on a standard 64-cell board.

Internet project does not look like the similar sites devoted to various kinds of sports, as its goal is to promote as much as possible draughts as a pleasant leisure activity and as a sports discipline. Therefore, its content will be selected so as to read about the world draughts was interesting even to those who have never come into contact with him. Thus, from of materials from the site readers can learn about the daily life of the leading grandmasters, their problems, aspirations and interests.

The new site is primarily aimed to be an interesting as readers around the world, as well as potential sponsors. It is no secret that draughts today are in the shadow of other sports that sadly reflected, inter alia, on the earnings of professional players. Given that this sport requires minimal cost in comparison to many other sports, and it is do not need special facilities or equipment to practice them, the authors of project believe that this situation is not difficult to change.

Chairman of the Board of the Fund “Russian Draughts” Alexander Gaidukov sees the main problem is that today development of draughts are engaged only a few enthusiasts.

– Unfortunately, most people have forgotten that draughts are a sport. All prefer spectator sports: football, boxing or figure skating, – says Alexander Gaidukov. – We want to revive the draughts as a mass sport. Draughts tournaments can be as exciting, not to mention the fact that in draughts are playing professionally brightest, most talented people, among whom there are even real geniuses. They also bring our country the gold medals, which we should be proud of …

It is specifically decided not to publish on the site of the Fund the standings and other specialized information. Instead bias placed on the living parts and faces. It is above all the people who have won major tournaments, conducted with the support of the Fund. Today’s heroes of the site are the winners of the World Championship, which was held in St. Petersburg in 2015. They are five: two from Russia, the other three from Belarus, Moldova and Lithuania.

However, one of the two champions presented their victory to Russia at the behest of circumstances. World champion in the classic game, which is considered the most prestigious in the sport, Sergey Belosheev is resident of the Republic of Crimea, so until 2014 he was a citizen of Ukraine. An unusual story have and Moldavian player Skovitina Elena – she became the winner of two gold medals in the classical and blitz programs.

The organizers of the Internet project “Russian Draughts” see his future success in returning draughts status of popular sport and general people’s love. The site intends to inform about all future tournaments held with the support of the Fund, and accompanying events. The program-maximum is to attract new sponsors for hosting of competitions and educational work among young people.


Fund for promotion and development of draughts sport “Russian Draughts” was established in May 2013 in St. Petersburg. Its founder is St. Petersburg Draughts Federation, led by international grand master, a three-time world champion and President of the International Draughts Federation (IDF) Vladimir Langin, who is also a board member of the Fund. Chairman of the Board is St. Petersburg businessman Alexander Gaidukov.

Fund “Russian Draughts” working less than three years. During this time, thanks to the resources, attracted by fund, St. Petersburg became draughts capital of the world. Conducted four major international tournaments:

World Championship among men and women (August 2013);
European Championships among men and women (October 2014);
International tournament dedicated to 70th anniversary of Victory in the 2nd World War (May 2015);
World Championship among men and women (October 2015).

The last one was a landmark, showing how demand draughts-64 in Russia and in the world. The first time, players from 43 countries participated. Today it is an absolute record for the world championships.

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