European Youth Championship 2020 will be held in Kobuleti, Georgia

International Draughts Federation (IDF) in accordance with the Calendar of the competitions in 2020 together with Georgian United National Draughts Federation holds from May 2 to May 10, 2020 personal-team European Youth Draughts-64 Championship 2020. Competitions will be held separately for boys and girls in six age groups and in the three types of program: Blitz, Rapid and Classic. Invitation published.

Competitions postponed to a later date.


Information about competition

Information about competition

Personal-team European Youth Draughts-64 Championship will be held at the Sunrise Hotel, 322 David Agmashenebeli str., Kobuleti, Georgia from May 2 (arrival day) to May 10, 2020 (departure day).

Personal Championship is held separately for boys and girls in six age groups:
Juniors up to 27 years old (1994-2000);
Juniors up to 20 years old (2001-2003);
Cadets up to 17 years old (2004-2006);
Junior cadets up to 13 years old (2007-2009);
Hopes up to 10 years old (2010-2011);
Junior hopes up to 8 years old (2012 and younger).

Boys and girls of younger ages may participate in older age groups (up to 27, 20, 17, 14, 11 years old).

Personal Championship is held in the three types of program: Classic, Blitz and Rapid. All programs are held in international (Russian) version of draughts-64 by the system of micro-matches consist of two games.

System of competition (Swiss or round robin) and number of rounds are established by the panel of arbiters depending on the number of participants.

In age groups juniors up to 27 years old and juniors up to 20 years old draw of the moves and positions according to the official table (745 positions) is held for boys and draw of the positions according to the official table (150 positions) is held for girls.

In age groups cadets up to 17 years old and junior cadets up to 13 years old draw of the first move of the white is held for boys and girls. Draw is binding on both games of the micro-match.

In other age groups draw of the moves is not held.

Team’s classification is determined in classic program of Championship.
Team results are summarized by the maximum amount of points scored 12 best players (one from age group up to 27, 20, 17, 14, 11 and 9 years old for boys and girls).
Team’s classifications are determined also separately for boys and girls teams.

Participants are allowed to participate in the competition, who timely filed an application for participation, registered in accordance with this regulation and paid tournament fee. The number of representing the country participants is not limited.

The organizers provide accommodation and three-time meals from May 2 (starting with lunch) to May 10 (ending with breakfast) one player (boy or girl) from each country in age groups up to 27, 20, 17, 14, 11 and 9 years old (6 participants total).

Their travel costs, as well as costs of accommodation, meals and travel of other participants and coaches paid by their sending organizations or by the participants themselves.

Younger players who perform in older age groups are not provided with accommodation and meals.

Participants who provide accommodation and meals by organizers are required to participate in all three programs: classic, rapid and blitz.

Tournament fee for each participant is 50 Euro. Tournament fee gives the right to participate in all three programs – classic, blitz and rapid.

The tournament fee for each participant for participation in two programs: blitz and rapid is 30 euros.

You can go to Kobuleti from the airports of Tbilisi, Batumi, Kutaisi and Yerevan by public transport, taxi or by ordering a transfer.

Applications for participation in the Championship must be submitted to the International Draughts Federation office not later than April 13, 2020 on e-mail: [email protected]. Applications received after the deadline are not considered.

05-03-2020 1st Stage of World Cup 2020-International Draughts-64 Competition “Georgia-2020” will be held  during the European Youth Championship at the Sunrise Hotel, Kobuleti, Georgia from May 4 (arrival day) to May 10, 2020 (departure day). Competitions will be held in two types of program: Blitz and Classic.

See more information and invitation HERE

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