Meeting of the Executive Board of the FMJD Section-64

Meeting of the Executive Board of the FMJD Section -64 – IDF was held in St. Petersburg, Russia, October 5, in the premises of the Chigorin Chess Club. See short report of the meeting.

Report about General Assembly of FMJD (23.09.2013, Wageningen, Netherlands) was made. Reviewed and approved:

1. Calendar of official events of the FMJD Section-64 -IDF in 2014.
2 . Regulations of the World Cup in 2014 .
3 . Rules of the official competitions in 2014.
4 . Conditions of the competitions in 2014.
Executive Board discussed other issues too.

All approved documents published in the appropriate sections.

Short report of the EB meeting:

Report Section-64-IDF EB meeting 05.10.2013 engl

Report Section-64-IDF EB meeting 05.10.2013 rus

Short report about General Assembly of FMJD 23.09.2013 Wageningen, Netherlands:

Shot report GA2013 FMJD from Section-64-IDF engl

Shot report GA2013 FMJD from Section-64-IDF rus



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