Open Championship of Germany in draughts-64

baden-badenJuly 28,2012 in Baden-Baden will be held Championship of Germany in draughts-64 (Brazilian version), which organizes by Germany draughts Union in Baden-Baden (Germany, Federal State of Baden-Wuerttemberg).

1. Date and venue.
Championships will be held July 28,2012 in Baden-Baden (Germany, Federal State of Baden-Wuerttemberg).

 2. Organizers.
Draughts Union ofGermany

3. The location of the participants and the games.
Open Championship held in Germany Dameturnier findet in Baden Baden (Bundesrepublik Deutschland) statt.
At: Stadtteilzentrum “Briegelacker”, Briegelackerstraße 40, 76532 Baden-Baden.
Upon request, the organizers can book accommodation from 25 € (bed and breakfast).

4. Registration.
 Applications for participation in the tournament are accepted until 15 July 2012 on e-mail [email protected]  Inquiries by phone: 0049 7221 992753 or 0049 681 4163919

5. Transportation.
Train toBaden-Baden, then bus 201, 216 to stop Schweigroterplatz (journey time 4 min.).

6. The tournament fee.
Adults 20 Euro, Juniors under 23 years old and veterans 60 and older – 12 euros.

7. The system and time control.
Championship is held by the Swiss system in 9 rounds with time control 10 minutes plus 10 seconds per move.

8. Schedule.
Saturday, July 28, 2012
11:30 – arrival of participants and registration
11:45 – opening ceremony
12:00 – 12:30 – 1 round
12:30 – 13:00 – 2 round
13:00 – 13:30 – 3 round
13:30 – 14:00 – 4 round
15:30 – 16:00 – 5 round
16:00 – 16:30 – 6 round
16:30 – 17:00 – 7 round
17:00 – 17:30 – 8 round
17:30 – 18:00 – 9 round
18:15 – Awarding of the winners. Departure of the participants.
This schedule may change.

9. Prizes
For 30 or more participants are guaranteed the following prizes:
1st place – 200 EUR
2nd place – 100 EUR
3rd place – 50 Euro.

The winner of the Championship, as well as participants who showed the best result among women, veterans and juniors will be awarded cups and diplomas.

10. Additional program.
By prior arrangement, 29 and 30 July will be excursions:
Seen baths Caracalla Therme, Fridrichsbad,
the rise of the funicular to the mountain Merkur,
Road trips to Strasbourg or around Baden-Baden,
Baden wine tasting.


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