Letter from FMJD Section-64 – IDF

 Section-64 prepared a series of proposals for new FMJD Statutes which to be adopted at the General Assembly in Ufa, June 6, 2013.       Letter from FMJD Section-64 – IDF

to the all Draughts Federations

Dear Colleagues,

We are satisfied that the FMJD Board have heard voices of the National Federations that make up FMJD. However, you did not accurately articulate their wishes. It is not just that the separation of the FMJD and sections may make financial difficulties for all kinds of draughts at the national level. Countries are interested to develop draughts-100 and various types of draughts-64, because in many countries draughts-64 is mass national sport, far more advanced than draughts-100.

Over the past two years we have seen that the current FMJD leaders want  to develop only draughts-100. This desire is understandable, given the fact that these leaders are draughts-100 players themselves. In this regard we propose to consolidate in the new FMJD Statutes following:

1. Section 100 develops only draughts-100, Checkers Section – checkers only, Section-64 – all other kinds of draughts-64 within common federation FMJD.

2. Sections within FMJD should be independent, it is inadmissible if management of one section (of the federation) intervene in the affairs of another section (federation), and non-members of the section (the federation) in its affairs. National Federations must register their membership in each section, which is developing a kind of draughts the Federation interesting in and get all of the member of the section rights, including the voting right at the section’s General Assemblies. This statement can be added to the Statutes in the following form:

     Sections are independent within FMJD, have their own leadership, members, membership fees, finance, the General Assembly, the Statutes    and the elections. Section may have the status of International Federation for its type of draughts. FMJD-member countries must register their membership in each section, in which activities they plan to be involved.

3.  Section-64 is the only FMJD structure, developing all draughts-64, except checkers. Isolation from the Section-64 of other structures is possible only by decision of the Section-64 General Assembly.

4. August 12 in the town of Balchik, Bulgaria, the International Draughts Federation (IDF) was established for the development of draughts-64 in the world. The International Draughts Federation is a legal entity of the FMJD Section 64, that is fixed by decision of the Section-64 General Assembly (September 14, 2012, Evpatoria, Ukraine). The brand must be fixed in the Statutes along with the name of the FMJD Section-64, just like brand of the Checkers Section (WCDF).

This change does not entail difficulties for the Section members. For example, Ukrainian players received funding of the Ministry of Sports of Ukraine to take part in the checkers tournament of the WMSG in Lille last year, while the FMJD Checkers Section is also enshrined in the FMJD Statutes with the name “International Checkers and Draughts Federation” (WCDF).

Currently, Section-64 is unable to lead a normal independent economic activity in the form in which it exists in FMJD. Therefore, the International Federation was established to enable the civilized functioning of draughts-64 (a bank account, economic activity, work with sponsors, etc.), and not in opposition to FMJD.

Many FMJD members have expressed a desire to develop various kinds of draughts, and not just draughts-100, so we need to fix in the Statutes the distribution of resources and privileges that come in the FMJD from international organizations (IMSA, SportAccord) on the development of all kinds of draughts. Respecting the work that has done by the FMJD Board and Mr. Harry Otten personally we offer:

5. Fix in the Statutes the distribution of money and plays for players and officials in IMSA and SportAccord events in the ratio 50% / 25% / 25% between the Section-100, Section-64 and Checkers Section, respectively. Status of draughts-64 and checkers in these competitions must be equal to the status of draughts-100.

In principle we support the idea of ​​updating the FMJD Statutes, therefore we consider it necessary to make in its draft proposals above, as well as amendments connecting to latest proposals of the FMJD Board, and to distribute the draft for discussion in the FMJD-member National Federations.

President of the FMJD Section 64 -IDF   Vladimir Langin


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