EB meeting of the International Draughts Federation – Section-64 FMJD

EB meeting of the International Draughts Federation – FMJD Section-64 was held December 9, 2013 after opening of World Cup Finals in draughts-64 at Chigorin Club, St. Petersburg. New international titles in draughts-64 was approved. We congratulate the players with deserved international titles! 

On the meeting were present: President of the IDF – FMJD Section-64 Vladimir Langin, vice-presidents Andrey Agapov, Zhandos Usenov (internet communication), general secretary Alexander Nikiforov, tournament director Vitaliy Zhuk (internet communication), a member of technical commission Antonina Langina

Honored guests 6-time world champion Harm Wiersma and 4-time world champion Anatoly Gantvarg was present.

Report Section-64-IDF EB meeting 09.12.2013 engl

Report Section-64-IDF EB meeting 09.12.2013 rus


1. New members.
2. Calendar of the official events for 2014.
3. Regulations of World Cup 2014.
4. Proposals of technical commission.
5. International titles in draughts-64.

Applications of national federations for registration and membership in the International Draughts Federation – Section-64 FMJD reviewed and approved.

Additional items in calendar 2014 were included.
Proposals of technical commission were reviewed and approved.

New international titles in draughts-64 was approved.

By the results of 2013 international titles in draughts-64 considered and approved for the following players:

GMI    Byashimov Akhmet        Kazakhstan
MF      Bleykher Olexandr         Germany
MF      Kuczewski  Filip             Poland
MF      Melnikov Dmitry             Russia
MF      Monnet Pierre                France

GMIF   Yuldasheva Sayyora     Uzbekistan
MFF    Gubareva Olga             Ukraine
MFF   Liu Pei                          China
MFF   Sadowska Natalia           Poland

We congratulate the players with deserved international titles!


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