The e-project «Draughts is a people’s game!» 2015 opened on May 9, 2015 under the aegis of the Belorussian Draughts Federation. The project is dedicated to the 70th anniversary of victory in the 2nd World War. You can get acquainted with the activities of the project and take part in them. On the website of project you can read interviews with famous people. Website of project  HERE.  We invite everyone to take part in this interesting event! 


Website of the project  HERE


The e-project «Draughts is a people’s game!» opened on June 1, 2013 on the International Day of the Child under the aegis of the Belorussian Draughts Federation.
This project is created not only for children, but also for all people who would like to feel the spirit of game and get a lot of communication. A number of events are planned in order that you discover a wonderful world of draughts which will become more interesting and real for you.

Draughts is an excellent intellectual game which lets players communicate, develops imagination and response time. This game develops patience, powers of concentration, logical thinking, memory and desire to reach a goal. Such acquired skills as the ability to estimate the situation and predict a possible scenario can do you a good turn in real life. In order to gain victory it is necessary to make more right decisions on the way to it.

Site of the project

The program of events

Special regulations 

About the contest “Cheerful draughts”

Have a fanny photo or picture where you or anybody are playing checkers, draughts, shashki? Send it to the contest.

You can see interesting pictures of contest HERE and photos HERE

About the contest “Class draughts”

The contest “Class draughts” is held within the framework of the project “Draughts is a people’s game!”
All schools, kindergartens, health camps and any organizations of educational and other spheres can take part in the contest “Class draughts”.

You can contestants HERE 

Project valid to November 30, 2013

See results of the contest HERE



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