Russian Youth Championship

Russian Youth Championship (64) in age groups B23, B19, B16 in boys and G23, G19, G16 in girls ended. Competitions was held  from March 3rd to March 10th in Leningrad region. Competitions was held  in three programs: Blitz, Rapid and Classic. 135 players took part in competitions. Plaudin Vladimir  (B24), Rysaev Damir (B19), Melnikov Dmitry (B16), Sarshaeva Zhanna (G24), Azarova Nyurguyana (G19), Denisova Valeria (G16) became champions in classic program. See results and photo from closing ceremony.


See more information  HERE   and   HERE

Schedule      PHOTO 1      PHOTO 2     PHOTO  Closing ceremony  


Classic program was held  from March 5th to March 10th

Tables: B24 | B19B16G24-19G16 |   Team standing

Plaudin Vladimir (B23), Rysaev Damir (B19), Melnikov Dmitry (B16)
Sarshaeva Zhanna (G23), Azarova Nyurguyana (G19), Denisova Valeria (G16)

Team of Nizny Novgorod won in team classification.


Rapid was held on March 4.

Tables: B24 | B19 | B16 | G24-19 | G16 |   Team standing

Plaudin Vladimir (B23), Slavyanov Nikita (B19), Bursuk Anton (B16)
Sarshaeva Zhanna (G23), Zhuravskaya Yulia (G19), Denisova Valeria (G16)

Team of Kaluga region won in team classification.


Blitz was held on March 3.

Tables: B24 | B19 | B16 | G24 | G19 | G16 |   Team standing

Voinov Roman (B23), Rysaev Damir (B19), Gayazov Shamil (B16)
Sarshaeva Zhanna (G23), Zhuravskaya Yulia (G19), Kriskevich Maria (G16)

Team of Kaluga region won in team classification.


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