National Championships-64 of Mongolia

National Championships of Mongolia in draughts-64 (Russian version) among men, women and juniors U20 was held in Ulaanbaatar 13-16 March, 2015. 86 participants took part in competitions. See results.


1. Ts.Khashchuluun     2. D.Erdenebileg      3. O.Tuvshinbold


1. Ts.Enkhzaya     2. G.Amgalan    3. G.Enkhtuya

JUNIOR    B20 

1. B.Munkhjin    2. B.Choisuren    3. M.Shiiravjamts

JUNIOR    G20 

1. G.Kherlenmurun    2. E.Saranzaya    3. B.Otgon-Erdene

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