World Championship among disabled

HotelUnder the auspices of the International Draughts Federation IDF from 23th August (day of arrival) to 2th September (day of departure) 2016 in Kranevo (Bulgaria) was held  World Draughts-64 Championship among disabled. Championship was held in four types of disability: DEAF, BLIND, PARAPLEDGIA and SPESH-OLYMPIC. See results.

Invitation       PHOTO (Opening)

Resuls, results by category, photo

25-08-2016  World Draughts-64 Championship among disabled started 24.08.2016 in Hotel Kristel Park.  Three tournaments are held: among women; BLIND; and DEAF, PARAPLEDGIA and SPESH-OLYMPIC. See current results.

Opening ceremony of World Championships 2016 in draughts-64 among youth, veterans, people with disabilities and teams was held today in sport-complex Aqualife. See photo.

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