Russian Youth Championship U9, U11, U14

Draughts Federation of Russia in the period from March 24, 2017 (day of arrival) to April 2, 2017 (departure day) in the Sanatorium “Tsiolkovsky” of Samara region ( spent Russian Youth Championship in Russian draughts among boys and girls in age groups:
– boys and girls under 14 years – 2004-2006 year of birth
– boys and girls under 11 years  -2007-2008 years of birth
– boys and girls under 9 years  – 2009 year of birth and younger

Short schedule:
March 25 – Blitz program
March 26 – Rapid program
From March 27 to April 1 – Classic program.

About 250 players took part in the competition. See full information about the competition on the website of the Draughts Federation of Russia  HERE


Blitz program        Rapid program       Classic program  

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