3rd French Draughts-64 Open Championship completed

3rd French Open Draughts-64 Championship (Russian version) was held from 9th to 11th November 2019 in Toulouse (France). Competitions were held according to the Swiss system in 7 rounds with a time control of 25 minutes + 5 seconds per move.

The international master Philip Vasilevsky (Russia) became the winner of the 3rd French Open Draughts-64 Championship. IDF master Pierre Monet became the champion of France 2019.

Website of the French Federation of draughts 64 and 144

22-11-2019 3rd French Open Draughts-64 Championship (Russian version) was held from 9th to 11th November 2019 in Toulouse (France). 13 players from France, Russia and Belarus took part in competitions. Competitions were held according to the Swiss system in 7 rounds.

For more information about the championship, see the website of the French Federation of draughts 64 and 144 HERE

The international master Philip Vasilevsky (Russia) became the winner of the 3rd French Open Draughts-64 Championship. IDF master Pierre Monet became the champion of France 2019.

Final standings

1. Filip VASSILEVSKI  (RUS)  13 points

2. Pierre MONNET     11 points

3. Félix VERBOUK     10 points

4. Patrice YOMBI         8 points   (Solkof 60)

5. Gennady VOYTIUSHKEVICH (BLR)   8 points (Solkof 42)

6. Franck LAURENT   7 points  (solkof 64)

7. Gilles TAILLANDIER 7 points (Solkof 53)

8. Brice TAILLANDIER   7 points (Solkof 45)

9. Jacky HANNACHI     7 points (Solkof 45)

10. Adrien STUBER    6 poiunts

11.Paul MARQUILLE   5 points  (Solkof 38)

12. Romain VIAL    5 points  (Solkof 37)

13. Aboubacar DAFFE    4 points

10-08-2019 3rd French Open Draughts-64 Championship (Russian version) will be held from 9th to 11th November 2019 in Toulouse (France). Foreign participants are invited to participate in the competition. Competitions will be held in 7 rounds with a time control of 25 minutes + 5 seconds per move.

Information about championship will be promptly published on the website of the French Federation of draughts 64 and 144.

Venue: Ernest Renan Room, 5 chemin d ‘Audibert, 31200 TOULOUSE

Possible accommodation: Hotel IBIS centre / from 50 € the night for 2 persons.

Tournament fee: 25 € (for participants under 18 years 10 €)

Time control: 25 minutes + 5 seconds per move.

Competition Program:

Saturday, November 9th:

13:00: Registration

15:00: Round 1

17:00: Round 2

Sunday, November 10th:

08:30: Round 3

10:30: Round 4

14:00: General Assembly FFJDI 64-144

15:30: Round 5

17:30: Round 6

Monday, November 11th

9:00 утра: Round 7

11.30: Awarding ceremony


Franck LAURENT    [email protected] 
Gil Taillandier     [email protected]

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