Baltic Cup 2020 in draughts-64 was held in Jõgeva (Estonia)

From 11 to 13 September, the Baltic Cup in draughts-64 was held in Jõgeva (Estonia). 27 best players from Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania took part in the competition. Among them are six of the world’s strongest grandmasters and five international masters.

International grandmasters from Lithuania became the winners and prize-winners of this prestigious competition among men:

Andrius Kybartas LTU

Domantas Norkus LTU

Sigitas Smaidrys LTU

The winners and prize-winners among women are:

Regina Pironena LAT

Antra Valnere LAT

Triinu Jalg EST

Results      Men  |  Women

Jõgeva kabeklubi site


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