New online tournaments on PlayStrategy

Following the launch of our Medley tournament format, and the end of the Mind Sports Olympiad’s Grand Prix event, online platform PlayStrategy is starting up a regular series of tournaments: Medley Shields.

There will be three Medley Shields to win that will run on a regular weekly schedule.

The third and final Medley draughts tournament will take place on Saturday, June 25, at 14:00 UTC/16:00 MSK. We invite you to participate.

23-06-2022 The third and final Medley draughts tournament will take place on Saturday, June 25, at 14:00 UTC/16:00 MSK.

20-06-2022  On June 18, the second of three Medley draughts tournaments took place.

Tournament winners:

Denis Filatov 

Sergey Kuropatov 

Dmitrii Melnikov    




17-06-2022 The second Medley draughts tournament will take place on Saturday, June 18, at 14:00 UTC.


13-06-2022 On June 11, the first of three Medley draughts tournaments took place.

Tournament winners:

Anna Azova 

Denis Filatov 

Sergey Kuropatov 




11-06-2022 Following the launch of our Medley tournament format, and the end of the Mind Sports Olympiad’s Grand Prix event, online platform PlayStrategy is starting up a regular series of tournaments: Medley Shields.

There will be three Medley Shields to win that will run on a regular weekly schedule:

PlayStrategy Medley – Sundays 19:00 UTC Seven rounds with one game from each of the seven Game Families picked: Chess, Draughts, Othello, Lines Of Action, Mancala, Shogi, Xiangqi.

Chess Variants Medley – Saturdays 19:00 UTC Five micro-match rounds (each pairing plays twice, once as white, once as black). Five from the following seven chess variants will be picked: 3-check, Antichess, Atomic, Crazyhouse, Horde, King of the Hill, Racing Kings.

Draughts Medley – Saturdays 14:00 UTC Seven rounds where seven from the following eight Draughts variants will be picked: International, Antidraughts, Breakthrough, Frisian, Frysk, Brazilian, Pool, Russian.

Detailed information about tournaments HERE

The first tournaments in each series start on the weekend of June 11/12!

We invite you to participate!

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