Memorial of Nikolay Gringruz in Bendery

img_0136From 2 to 6 November 2016 Bendery hosted the VII Memorial of honored coach MSSR Nikolay Gringruz. 111 players from different regions of Pridnestrov’e, Gagauzia, Moldova and Ukraine took part in the tournament, which was an absolute record for all years.
As part of the memorial was held three tournaments: masters and candidates, 1st and 2ndcategories, 3rdcategory and funs. In all three tournaments the struggle for prizes was held until the end of the last round. It is encouraging the emergence of a large number of young enthusiastic draughts children. Organizers see the main success of the tournament was in this. Unfortunately, strong grandmasters not come to the tournament, but that is no reason for grief, for organizers the main thing is to identify and nurture new talent, in fact for it has devoted his life Nikolay Gringruz.

Grandmasters also lost the opportunity to remember his youth, back to the world of childhood, where the chief was friendship, love to draughts, pure creativity, not burdened by adult pragmatism and the pursuit of points. However, the format of the tournament remained the same, and the organizers of next year will take into account this year’s mistakes, whom to invite to Grandmaster tournament.

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Results:      Masters      1st and 2nd categories      3rdcategory and funs


During the years of his activity Gringruz Nikolay Leontyevich trained more than a thousand pupils, including 5 international grandmasters, 6 champions of USSR Championships among juniors and more than 50 masters of sport. In memory of his coach grateful pupils holds this tournament


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