IDF on the development of draughts-64 in the world

International Draughts Federation IDF addresses the information to all draughts organizations and fans of draughts-64. 

Letter from IDF

In 2016, the International Draughts Federation IDF has been many positive developments.

The Foundation for promotion and development of draughts sports “Russian Draughts” is actively working.  Foundation website opened On this website all the activities with it participation will be displayed.

With the support of the Foundation in 2016 will host a number of events. The largest of them:

– International draughts-64 competition in the framework of the TAFISA World Games in Jakarta with good prize money.
– European Draughts-64 Championship among men and women in Georgia. Official European championships for Russian and Brazilian Draughts will be held in the program of Championship.

New events appeared in the calendar of events IDF:

In 2016, under the auspices of the IDF the first world championship for the disabled in the 4 categories of disability will be held.

In the framework of the VI International Sports Games “Children of Asia” will be held Draughts-64 tournament.
Negotiations are under way to hold in 2016 the first African Championship.

In accordance with our charter, we are developing different kinds of draughts on the 64-cell board. In 2016, the official competitions in various kinds of draughts-64 will be held, such as Russian, Brazilian, Portuguese, Italian draughts, pool checkers.

We are actively working with various international organizations, including the World Anti-Doping Agency WADA for Anti-Doping Code signing.

This year, we have to develop and approve a large amount of new regulations, which will be approved by the General Assembly of the IDF:

New rules of the game and the IDF competition are almost ready.
Anti-Doping Code and the Code of Ethics will be the following.

International Draughts Federation will pay great attention to ethics: improving discipline, strict observance of rules and regulations of the competition, especially in relation to delays on the game, the dress code, attendance at the opening and closing, compliance with ethics rules during and after the competition.

IDF Board approved regulations for assignment of international IDF titles. New IDF titles assigned many players for the results shown in 2014 and 2015, as well as in previous years. Currently being developed gratuity IDF signs that will be presented to international grandmasters, international masters, international arbiters, as well as different figures for their contribution to the development of draughts-64 in the world.

System of the competition will be changed.

Leading grandmasters were interviewed about the system of official competitions and the use of them in the new draw system of debuts for exacerbation of wrestling of and entertainment, as well as to enhance the competitiveness of players from different countries.

In order to improve efficiency and greater scope for creativity in women IDF board decided to enter into an official women’s competition a new draw of debuts (180 options) from July 2016.

A survey of 10 leading grandmasters on the introduction of a new draw in men did not give a positive result, the views of leading grandmasters divided. It was decided to discuss in more detail the issue to make a decision on the introduction of a new draw in 2017.

European Championship 2016 will be held in two stages: the first stage will be held on the Swiss system; and on the second stage the players will be divided into eight, which will identify the strongest on the Olympic system.

We remind that after the release of the Section-64 (Russian-Brazilian) from the FMJD, only the IDF, as the legal successor of the Section-64 FMJD, in accordance with its Statute holds the legitimate world and continental championships and other world-class tournaments in draughts-64 (Russian, Brazil and others kinds of draughts-64)

Any world championships, continental championships and other world-class tournaments in draughts-64, which holds by other organizations without approval of the IDF, led to a split and conflict in our fragile draughts world. We do not interfere in the activities of other organizations and do not seek conflict, but in the case of disturbances of our area of responsibility for the development of draughts-64 in the world we will defend it by all means available to us.

We hold a lot of work on the development and promotion of our game in the world are making for it a great financial and intellectual contribution. Therefore we rely on the support of IDF from as the national federations, so from the players, and other organizations.

In this regard, the players who will take part in the illegitimate championships and other world-class tournaments in draughts-64, organized by other organizations and not agreed with the IDF, will not be able to take part in competitions of IDF.

National federations, who declared the players to participate in such illegitimate competitions in draughts-64, will be deprived of benefits and preferences provided for by IDF rules, including the reception of the players in official competitions of IDF and on their territory will not be held competitions under the auspices of the IDF.

Currently, 50 national organizations became IDF members. We want that draughts-64, as an independent sport, went on a fundamentally another level, and we will make every effort to make this happen as quickly as possible. We urge national federations, developed draughts-64, and all fans of draughts, to take an active part in this process.

We hope for your understanding and cooperation in the development of draughts-64 in the world.

Vladimir Langin, President of the International Draughts Federation IDF 

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