Lithuanian Team Championship

Lithuanian Team Championship  in draughts-64 was held in Alutis from 13 to 14 May. Six teams took part in the competition. Competitions were held with a draw of moves and positions (table for 745 positions).

The first place took team “Verdene” (Vilnius), which won all the matches. Team was headed by world champion in Rapid, international grandmaster Arunas Norvayshas. The composition of the team included such well-known players as international master Vilius Alekhnavicius and IDF master Anri Plaksij.

The second place took the team “Vitrazas” (Vilnius), headed by the international grandmaster, multiple Lithuanian champion Sigitas Smaidrys. Together with him for the team played international master Domantas Norkus, Valery Kudryavtsev and multiple champion of Lithuania, IDF master Sandra Laurutiene.

The third place was took the team of the club “Juozo Kulikausko”, performed well-known players: vice president of the Lithuanian Draughts Federation Romualda Sidlauskiene and Veronika Vilchinska.

Team “Verdene”  – Champion of Lithuania

Table of Lithuanian Team Championship

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