International competition “Jogeva-2016”

йыгеваInternational competition in draughts-64 “Jogeva-2016” is held from 02 August to 07 August 2016 in Jogeva, Estonia. International grandmaster Vladimir Skrabov (Russia) became the winner of the Rapid program. International grandmaster Guntis Valneris (Latvia) won Classic program.

Jogeva Rules 2016         Schedule

Website of Jõgeva Draughts Club   

Results          Rapid          Classic

Closing07-08-2016  International competition in draughts-64 in Jõgeva ended with the victory of International Grand Master from Latvia Guntis Valneris. Vladimir Skrabov scored with him the same number of points and shared 1-2 places, but the additional criteria was better for representative of Latvia. Third place took the Grand Master from Moscow Andrey Kalachnikov.

International Master Sofia Morozova, without losing a single match, took 5th place in overall standing and become the best among women.

06-08-2016   Before the last round 11 points have Vladimir Skrabov and Guntis Valneris. The fate of the first place will be decided tomorrow in pairs Raivo Rist – Vladimir Skrabov and Oleg Polikarpov – Guntis Valneris. In women, the fight for first place is still between Sofia Morozova and Antra Valnere. They have 8 points and diffikult games in the final round.

05-08-2016 After 6 rounds with a score of 10 points of 12 leading International Grandmaster Vladimir Skrabov. 9 points and second place of standings have International Grandmaster, former world champion in draughts-100 Guntis Valneris. National Grandmaster Andrey Kalachnikov and national Master of sports Oleg Polikarpov pursue they with the score of 8 points. In women fight for 1st place being between Sofia Morozova and Antra Valnere.

03-08-2016   Classic program started. See current results.

Rapid02-08-2016  International competition in draughts-64 “Jogeva-2016” started. 18 players from Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia and Russia take part in competition. Among them are international grandmasters, prize-winners of World and European Championships among men Vladimir Skrabov (Russia), Guntis Valneris (Latvia), Arno Uutma (Estonia), as well as the strongest female grandmasters from Russia Sofia Morozova and Tatiana Teterina.

Today was held Rapid program. Results:
1. Vladimir Skrabov (Russia)
2. Guntis Valneris (Latvia)
3. Arno Uutma (Estonia)

The best result among women have Antra Valnere (Latvia).

Plakat-Jõgeva-2016123-05-2016  International competition in draughts-64 “Jogeva-2016” will be held from 02 August to 07 August 2016 in Jogeva, Estonia. Detailed information about the tournament you can see on the website of Jõgeva Draughts Club   

Rules of the International competition in draughts-64 “Jogeva-2016” 

1.Goals and objectives

Competition is held for promotion and development of draughts-64, excellence and fulfillment of international titles IDF, strengthening the friendly relations between draughts players of the countries – member of IDF.

2.Organization and leadership of the tournament

Tournament is organized and conducted Jogeva Draughts Club.
Main Arbiter is Ülar Poom (Jogeva), arbiter Villem Lyuis (Tallinn)

3.Time and place

Tournament is held from 02 August to 07 August 2016 in Jogeva, Estonia.
Venue: Jõgeva Sport Center “Vitrus” (Aya str. 40, Jogeva, Estonia.
Rapid is held 02 August, opening at 11.00.
Main tournament is held from 03 to 07 August. Opening 03 August at 10.00, closing 07 August at 15.00.

4.Participants, conditions and tournament regulations

Players who declared until 10 July are allowed participate.

Tournament fees:
For declared players: Rapid – 5 EUR, main tournament – 10 EUR. Grandmasters play without entry fee.
For not declared players: Rapid – 10 EUR, main tournament – 15 EUR
Tournament fee can be transferred to the bank account of Jõgeva Draughts Club:

Jõgeva Kabeklubi MTÜ; Address: Tähe 4-52, 48307 Jõgeva, Estonia
Bank: SEB Bank Address: Tornimäe 2, 15010 Tallinn, Estonia; Swift code: EEUHEE2X
IBAN account no: EE191010220122665012

or, by agreement, pay to the credentials committee.

Applications must be send until July 10, 2016 to email: [email protected][email protected], tel. +372 5058239 (Ülar Poom), or by post: Pargi str. 18-2, 48303 Yogeva, Republic of Estonia, Uno Plakk.
All expenses for travel, meals and accommodation paid by participants or sending organizations.
For accommodation and visa support you need address to: [email protected]

It is held two overall tournaments in draughts-64 for men and women: Rapid and main tournament.

Rapid is held by Swiss system in 7 rounds with the draw of the initial moves and positions.
Competitions are held on the system of micro-matches from two games. The time control is 10’ to the end of the game + 2” per move for each participant in both parties of micro-match.

Main tournament is held by Swiss system in 8 rounds with the draw of the initial moves and positions.
Competitions are held on the system of micro-matches from two games. The time control is 45’ to the end of the game + 30” per move for each participant in both parties of micro-match.

5. Determination of the places

Places determined in overall standing, among women, players with rating below 2350 (EDF) or 2100 (IDF) and veterans (60+).

Determination of places and technical issues of the tournament will be fixed in the regulations before the start of the tournament on the spot.


The prize fund in Rapid is 250 EUR, the prize fund of main tournament is 1200 EUR.

Prizes in overall standing:
1st place – 400 EUR
2nd place – 200 EUR
3rd place – 150 EUR
4th place – 100 EUR
5th place –   60 EUR

Prizes for players with rating below 2350 (ESF) or 2100 (FMJD):
1st place – 50 EUR
2nd place – 30 EUR
3rd place – 20 EUR

Prizes for women:
1st place – 100 EUR
2nd place – 40 EUR

Prizes for veterans (60 years and older):
1st place – 50 EUR

Winners awarded diplomas and non-cash prizes also.

7.In total

All not specified in these rules and regulations of the tournament positions provides by main arbiter and the Board of Jogeva Draughts Club.

Detailed information about the tournament you can see on the website of Jõgeva Draughts Club

Ülar Poom

President of the Board
of Jõgeva Draughts Club

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