2nd Stage of World Cup 2018 – International competition “Uzbekistan-2018”

International Draughts Federation (IDF) together with Uzbekistan Draughts Federation in accordance with the Calendar of the competitions in 2018 hosted from March 24, (arrival day) till April 1, 2018 (departure day) in Tashkent, capital of  Uzbekistan, 2nd Stage of World Cup 2018 in draughts-64 – International competition “Uzbekistan-2018”.
Competitions was held with the support of the Fund for Promoting the Development of Draughts Sport “Russian Draughts”. International Grandmaster Dmitry Tsinman became the winner of the Blitz and Rapid program. International Grandmaster Abdukadyr Tashtemirov won classic program. See results.

Invitation for World Cup       Invitation for Youth Tournament

PHOTO     Opening     Blitz     Rapid and Classic     Excursion 

Closing of Blitz and Rapid     Closing classic

Results      Blitz program      Rapid program      Classic program

31-03-2018 2nd Stage of the World Cup 2018 in draughts-64 – International competitions “Uzbekistan-2018” is completed. The World Cup in draughts-64 was first time held in the Asian region. Within the framework of the 2nd stage of the World Cup an International Draughts-64 Tournament among boys and girls in the age groups up to 14, 11 and 9 years on the prizes of the President of Uzbekistan Draughts Federation Yunus Amindjonov was held. More than 150 players from Uzbekistan, Russia, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan and Afghanistan took part in all events of the 2nd Stage of the World Cup. Сlosing ceremony and awarding of the prize-winners of the competitions took place today at 14.00. Photos are published.

31-03-2018 In the last round of the classic program the International Grandmaster Abdukadyr Tashtemirov won and with the result of 15 points became the winner of the 2nd Stage of the World Cup.

International Master Dmitrii Melnikov and International Grandmaster Dmitry Tsinman played in the last round in a draw and took the second and third place respectively.

International Grandmaster Stepanida Kirillina became the best among women.

Winners among juniors (boys and girls) until 20 and 17 years were:

Juniors B20 – Abdullaev Jakhongir (UZB)
Juniors G20 – Tursunmurotova Shahzoda (UZB)
Juniors B17 – Proskurin Timofei (RUS)
Juniors G17 – Abdishaeva Niara (UZB)

30-03-2018  Before the last round of the classic program of the 2nd World Cup Stage, the International Grandmaster Abdukadyr Tashtemirov and International Master Dmitrii Melnikov with the result of 13 points are in the lead. International Grandmaster Dmitry Tsinman has 12 points. 4 players have 11 points. Tomorrow in the last round they will fight for medals.

29-03-2018 Today, for the participants of the tournament, a bus tour to the  Samarkand, one of the oldest cities in Asia, took place. See photo HERE

27-03-2018 Classic program started. The competitions are held in Russian version of draughts-64, by the Swiss system in 9 rounds, micro-matches from 2 games with draws of moves and positions (745 positions). Two rounds are held today.

See current results.

26-03-2018 Rapid program was held today. The competitions were held in Brazilian version of draughts-64, by the Swiss system in 7 rounds, micro-matches from 2 games with draws of moves and positions for Brazilian version of draughts-64.

The winner of the Rapid program became an International Grandmaster Dmitry Tsinman. International Master Andrey Gnelitskiy took second place and International Master Dmitrii Melnikov took third place.

International Master Bozorova Nigina  is seventh in overall standing and the best among women.

Winners among juniors (boys and girls) until 20 and 17 years were:

Juniors B20 – Mardiev Fayzylla (UZB)
Juniors G20 – Grigorieva Ekaterina (RUS)
Juniors B17 – Proskurin Timofei (RUS)
Juniors G17 – Streltsova Svetlana (RUS)

25-03-2018 Blitz program started at 14.00. The competitions were held in Russian version of draughts-64, by the Swiss system in 9 rounds, micro-matches from 2 games with draws of moves and positions (745 positions).

The winner of the Blitz program became an International Grandmaster Dmitry Tsinman. International Master Andrey Gnelitskiy took second place. Ex-world champion, International Grandmaster Stepanida Kirillina is on the third place and the best among women.

Winners among juniors (boys and girls) until 20 and 17 years were:

Juniors B20 – Rofiev Shokhyusuf (UZB)
Juniors G20 – Tursunmurotova Shahzoda (UZB)
Juniors B17 – Proskurin Timofei (RUS)
Juniors G17 – Streltsova Svetlana (RUS)

25-03-2018 Today in Tashkent, the capital of Uzbekistan, the 2nd Stage of the World Cup 2018 in draughts-64 – International competitions “Uzbekistan-2018” and International Draughts-64 Tournament among boys and girls in the age groups up to 14, 11 and 9 years on the prizes of the President of Uzbekistan Draughts Federation Yunus Amindjonov started. 56 players from Uzbekistan, Russia, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan and Afghanistan take part in the 2nd Stage of the World Cup. Among them are the multiple winner and prize-winner of the World Cups, International Grandmaster Dmitry Tsinman (Russia), ex-world champion among women, International Grandmaster Stepanida Kirillina, strongest Asian players – Asian champion, International Grandmaster Samandar Kalanov, International Grandmaster Abdukadyr Tashtemirov, International Masters Tursunmurotova Shahzoda and Bozorova Nigina, other famous men and women players. More than 90 players take part in the youth tournament.

Opening ceremony was held at 10.00. Participants of the competitions were greeted by the President of the International Draughts Federation (IDF) Vladimir Langin, Vice-President of the International Draughts Federation, the President of the Draughts Federation of Uzbekistan Yunus Amindzhonov, the representative of the Ministry of Sports of Uzbekistan.

11-01-2018 At the suggestion of the Uzbekistan Draughts Federation, it was decided to hold International Draughts-64 Tournament among boys and girls in the age groups up to 14, 11 and 9 years on the prizes of the President of Uzbekistan Draughts Federation Yunus Amindjonov together with 2nd Stage of World Cup 2018. The prize fund of the tournament will be at least 1000 euros. An invitation published.

Information about competition

Information about competition

Place, date

Competitions are held in the hotel Le Grande Plaza Hotel, Tashkent **** at: Uzbekiston Ovozi Street 2, 100031 Tashkent, Uzbekistan from March 24, (arrival day) till April 1, 2018 (departure day).

Credentials Committee will work March 24 from 16.00 till 22.00.
All participants must have medical insurance for the period of competition.


All participants regardless of gender, age and rating are allowed to participate in the competition, who timely filed an application for participation, registered in accordance with this regulation and paid the tournament fee. The number of participants representing the country is not limited.

Participants must comply with the dress code.
Participants must to be on the opening and closing ceremony of the competition.
In case of absence the closing ceremony, participants lose all official awards. Awards will not be sent or transferred.

Tournament regulations

Competitions are held on the official rules of the IDF.

Competition will be held in the three types of programs: Blitz, Rapid and Classic.

System of all programs is Swiss, by the system of micro-matches consist of two games with the drawing according to the official table (745 positions), obligatory in both games of micro-match.

Time control:

Blitz – 3 minutes till the end of the game + 2 seconds per move;
Rapid – 7 minutes till the end of the game + 5 seconds per move;
Classic game – 40 minutes till the end of the game + 10 seconds per move. Break between games is 5 minutes. Record of the game is obligatory for all participants before the end of the game.

Determination of the winners

Places of players in each program are determined by the biggest amounts of points. In case of equal points of two or more participants the additional criteria are established by the panel of arbiters according to the regulations of the competition.

In each program winners among men, women, juniors до 20 лет (born in 1999-2001), juniors до 17 лет (born in 2002 and younger) are determined.

Participants of 2nd Stage of World Cup get points in the overall standing of the World Cup in accordance with the Regulations of the World Cup 2018 in draughts-64.


In each program:

Participants, who took 1st place among men, women, juniors under 20 years old (born in 1999-2001), juniors under 17 years old (born in 2002 and younger) are awarded with cups, medals and diplomas.

Participants, who took 2nd and 3rd place in these categories, are awarded with medals and diplomas.

The winner of the 2nd Stage of the World Cup in classic program automatically receives the international title “International Master”. The participants, who took 2nd and 3rd place, receive the international title of “IDF Master”.

The prize fund of 2nd Stage of World Cup is not less than 1500 euro.
Additional awards will be announced by organizers at the opening ceremony.


All costs of participants paid by sending organizations or yourself.
The costs for organizing the competition and paid by the Organizing Committee.

Tournament fees

Organizational tournament fee for each participant is 50 Euro, for juniors under 20 years old (born in 1999-2001), juniors under 20 years old (born in 2002 and younger) – 30 Euro.

Participants, who have paid the tournament fee, are allowed to participate in all three programs.

The tournament fees must be transferred to the account of the International Draughts Federation no later than March 15, 2018 or in an exceptional case paid in cash on the day of registration March 24, 2018.
In case of bank transfer payment receipt must be presented to the credentials committee.

Bank details

Beneficary: International Draughts Federation
Address: Kranevo, Chernomorska str. 41, 9649 Bulgaria
Bank: Raiffeisenbank (Bulgaria) EAD
Bank`s address: Dobrich, 25 Septemvri Str. 25, 9300 Bulgaria
IBAN account no: IBAN BG94 RZBB 9155 1003 8766 00
BIC (Swift code): BIC RZBBBGSF

Accommodation and meals

Hotel Le Grande Plaza Hotel, Tashkent **** at: Uzbekiston Ovozi Street 2, 100031 Tashkent, Uzbekistan is official hotel for accommodation of participants.

Meals are possible in many café near the hotel.

Applications and contacts

For all questions about participation in competition you need contact with IDF office on e-mail: [email protected]
Applications for participation must be submitted to the IDF office not later than March 10, 2018.

For booking accommodation (not later than March 10, 2018), visa support (not later than March 1, 2018) and travel to hotel you need contact with Uzbekistan Draughts Federation representative Alisher Artikov on e-mail: [email protected]

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