1st Stage of World Cup-International Competition “Georgia-2020”

International Draughts Federation (IDF) in accordance with the Calendar of the competitions in 2020 together with Georgian United National Draughts Federation during the European Youth Championship holds  from May 4 to May 10, 2020 in Kobuleti (Georgia) 1st Stage of World Cup 2020 – International Draughts-64 Competition “Georgia-2020”. Competitions will be held in two types of program: Blitz and Classic.

Competitions postponed to a later date.

Invitation          Regulations of the World Cup 2020 

05-03-2020 1st Stage of World Cup 2020 – International Draughts-64 Competition “Georgia-2020” will be held at the Sunrise Hotel, 322 David Agmashenebeli str., Kobuleti, Georgia from May 2 (arrival day) to May 10, 2020 (departure day).

All participants regardless of gender, age and rating are allowed to participate in the competition who timely filed an application for participation, registered in accordance with this regulation and paid the tournament fee. The number of participants representing the country is not limited.

Competitions are held on the official rules of the IDF in international/Russian version of draughts-64 by the system of micro-matches consist of two games in the two types of programs: Classic and Blitz.

System of all programs is Swiss by the system of micro-matches consist of two games with the draw according to the official table (745 positions) obligatory in both games of micro-match.

In each program winners and prize-winners among men and women are determined.

Additionally, winners and prize-winners among veterans and juniors up to 20 years (boys and girls 2001 and younger) are determined depending on the number of participants.

Participants of 1st Stage of World Cup get points in the overall standing of the World Cup in accordance with the Regulations of the World Cup 2020.

The prize fund of 1st Stage of World Cup is not less than 1,000 euros.

Additional awards will be announced by organizers at the opening ceremony.

For all questions on participation in competitions you need contact with the IDF by e-mail: [email protected]

Applications for participation and booking accommodation must be submitted to the IDF office not later than April 13, 2020 on e-mail: [email protected].

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