5th Stage of World Cup 2015-International competition “France-2015”

International Draughts Federation IDF – FMJD Section-64 in accordance with the Calendar of the competitions in 2015 holds from August 8 (arrival day) till August 15, 2015 (departure day) in Baume-les-Dames (France) 5th Stage of World Cup 2015 in draughts-64 – International competition “France-2015”. 5th Stage of World Cup ended. Grandmaster Dmitrii Melnikov from Russia won.

Announcement           More information about Baume-les-Dames

Photo      Opening, classic game        Blitz 144        Blitz rus         Closing

Results         Blitz-144        Blitz RUS        Standing after 6 rounds          Final standing


5th Stage of World Cup 2015 ended. Dmitry Melnikov won all the games in the finals and finished the 1st. Gennady Shapiro took second place after losing in the last match Dmitry Melnikov. Persistent struggle was for the 3rd place. Ekaterina Ivanova and Frank Laurent played draw in main  micro-match. The fate of the third place was decided in additional blitz. Ekaterina Ivanova won and took 3rd place.

At the closing of the competition, all participants received prizes provided by the city administration. The mayor presented the awards. The prize fund amounted to 1,000 euros. After closing all the participants have tried draughts cake, specially made for this event.


Blitz in Russian Draughts was held today. Dmitry Melnikov from Russia won. Gennady Shapiro from Germany took 2nd place and Krzysztof Juszczak from Poland took 3rd place. First stage of the classic program ended today. Next, the players will be divided into 2 subgroups of 8 players which  in 1/4 finals, 1/2 finals and finals will determinate places 1 to 8 and 9 to 16.


Blitz 144 was held today. 10 players participated.  The tournament was held on the Swiss system of 5 rounds. Ekaterina Ivanova surprisingly won the blitz with a score of 9 points out of 10. Franck Laurent took 2nd place and  Jacky Hannachi took 3rd place.



5 th Stage of World Cup 2015 in draughts-64 – International competition “France-2015” started today in Baume-les-Dames, France. Competitions are held in the Abbey of Baume-les-Dames. Organizers have prepared well for the tournament: Excellent playing hall, memory attributes for all participants of the tournament, the trophies for winners, commemorative awards to all participants of the tournament and more.

Classic program began today. 16 players from France, Germany, Poland and Russia participated. Favorites of the tournament are International Grandmaster Gennady Shapiro from Germany and Russian grandmaster Dmitry Melnikov. Strongest French players will compete with them.


Venue, date

Competitions are held in Baume-les-Dames (France) from August 8 (arrival day) till August 15, 2015 (departure day).
Venue is Abbey of Baume-les-Dames

Tournament regulations

Competitions are held by the system of micro-matches consist of two games with draw according to the official table of the Section-64 in two types of programs:

1) Blitz (Russian draughts) – 9 rounds by Swiss system, 3min + 2s/move
2) Classic (Brazilian draughts) – 9 rounds by Swiss system, 45 min + 10s/move

As part of the competition French Federation of Draughts 64-144 holds blitz in Draughts-144, 10min + 2s/move.

Requirements for participants

All participants are allowed to participate in competitions, regardless of gender, age and rating who timely filed application.

Participants must to be on the closing ceremony of the competition. In case of absence the closing ceremony, participants lose all official awards. Awards will not be sent or transferred.

Tournament fees

Each participant of the competitions should pay organizational tournament fee at the day of arrival:
Blitz: 10 €
Classic game: 50 €, MF 40 €, MI 30 €, GMI 20 €
Blitz-144: 10 €

Prize fund

Prize fund of the competition is no less than 1000 Euro.

Accommodation and meals

Hotel “Le Central”, 3 rue Courvoisier , 25110 – Baume-les-Dames

The hotel is located 5 minutes from the game room. The price is € 45 for a double room.
The costs of accommodation, meals and travel of participants are paid by their sending organizations or at their own expenses.


It is possible to go from Paris to  Baume-les-Dames by TGV (high speed train: from Gare de Lyon). https://www.horairetrain.net/horaires-paris-baumelesdames-20150303-1000.html
It is possible to arrive from Basel, Switzerland.
You need to contact with the organizers for other possibilities.


Applications for participation in competition must be submitted to the office of IDF – FMJD Section-64 on e-mail: [email protected] and to French Federation of Draughts 64-144 on e-mail: Franck Laurent [email protected] not later than July 01, 2015.


IDF – Section-64: Langin Vladimir, e-mail: [email protected], [email protected], tel. +7 921 9562001 (mob)

Organizers: French Federation of Draughts 64-144:

For obtaining visas (up to July 01, 2015):  Gilles Taillandier [email protected]

For booking accommodation (up to July 01, 2015) and travel from Paris to Baume-les-Dames Franck Laurent [email protected]

Copies of applications you need to send to the office of IDF-Section-64 on e-mail: [email protected], [email protected]

Program of competitions:

Day Time Event                                        
08-08-2015 Saturday 09.00 – 20.00 Arrival day
14.00 – 21.00 Registration of participants
09-08-2015 Sunday 09:00 Classic game, Round 1, game 1
11.00 Round 1, game 2
14.00 Round 2, game 1
16.00 Round 2, game 2
10-08-2015 Monday 09:00 Round 3, game 1
11.00 Round 3, game 2
14.30 Blitz 144
14.30 Excursions
11-08-2015 Tuesday 09:00 Round 4, game 1
11.00 Round 4, game 2
14.00 Round 5, game 1
16.00 Round 5, game 2
12-08-2015 Wednesday 09:00 Round 6, game 1
11.00 Round 6, game 2
14.30 Blitz 64
13-08-2015 Thursday 09:00 Round 7, game 1
11.00 Round 7, game 2
14.00 Round 8, game 1
16.00 Round 8, game 2
14-08-2015 Friday 09:00 Round 9, game 1
11.00 Round 9, game 2
14.00 Closing ceremony
15-08-2015 Saturday Departure of participants

Time schedule is approximate, playing system and number of rounds could be modified according to the number of players.

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