
Russian Youth Championship

Russian Youth Championship (64) in age groups B23, B19, B16 in boys and G23, G19, G16 in girls ended. Competitions was held  from March 3rd to March 10th in Leningrad region. Competitions was held  in three programs: Blitz, Rapid and Classic. 135 players took part in competitions. Plaudin Vladimir  (B24), Rysaev Damir (B19), Melnikov Dmitry (B16), Sarshaeva Zhanna (G24), Azarova Nyurguyana (G19), Denisova Valeria (G16) became champions in classic program. See results …

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Electronic voting FMJD on Section-64

Dear National federations — the FMJD members! FMJD contrary to the actual situation with the development of draughts-64 in the World and for the sake of personal ambitions of individual members of the Board conducts the voting on the division of the Section-64 to Russian and Brazilian. Voting is illegitimate for many reasons, including contradiction to point 4.1 of the …

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Statement of Russian Draughts Federation

February 17, 2014 Russian Draughts Federation sent  Statement to the FMJD and countries in support of Statement of Belarusian Draughts Federation to FMJD from February 10, 2014. Statement BDF see HERE. In response on the letter from BDF the President of Brazilian federation Marcos once again writed inadequate answer. We do not publish it here for ethical reasons. Russian Draughts Federation and many countries believe …

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Does General Secretary FMJD Mr. Teer resigned or not?

Some of the federation ask us. Does General Secretary FMJD Mr. Teer  resigned or not? Judge for yourself. We present a letter of Mr. Teer from 21-01-2014 after publication of the correct report of the General Assembly FMJD. It turned out that written by Mr. Teer report of the General Assembly had numerous distortions.

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Correct report of the FMJD General Assembly in Wageningen

Report of the FMJD General Assembly 23.09.2013 in Wageningen  is written incorrectly, with large inaccuracies and distortions, especially with respect to the Section-64. We took into account the experience of the General Assembly in 2012 in Lille which report was misleading. So we made an audio recording of the General Assembly to prevent intentional distortion.

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