European Men and Women Championship

International Draughts Federation IDF in accordance with the calendar of the competitions in 2018 together with the Draughts Federation of Bulgaria holds from September 15 (arrival day) to September 24, 2018 (departure day) in Sports complex “Aqua Life”, Kranevo (Bulgaria) personal-team European Draughts-64 Championship 2018 among men and women. Competitions are qualifying for the World Championship 2019. Representatives of 15 European countries take part in the competition.

International grandmasters Arunas Norvaishas (Lithuania) and Elena Scovitina (Moldova) won Blitz program of the European Draughts-64 Championship among men and women respectively. International grandmasters Ihar Mikhalchenka (Belarus) and Elena Scovitina (Moldova) won Rapid. Ihar Mikhalchenka and Vera Khvashchynskaya from Belarus won Classic program. See results. 

Prize fund of the European Draughts-64 Championship among men and women is 20 000 euro

Regulations       Invitation       Booklet Aqua Life

PHOTO      Opening      Blitz      Rapid      Classic     Closing


Blitz         Men  |  Women       Team standings       Men  |  Women            
Rapid       Men  |  Women       Team standings       Men  |  Women   


Premilinary stage     Men  |  Women       Team standings      Men  |  Women  
Matches 1/4 finals, 1/2 finals, finals       Men |  Women
Final standings          Men | Women        

Games, preliminary stage

Men          1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 8 | 9 | 10         PDN   1 | 23 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Women    1 | 23 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10         PDN   1 | 23 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10

Interesting fragments of games  1 | 2 | 3   

05-10-2018 Interesting fragments and review of the championship games were sent by international grandmaster Dmitry Tsinman and the main secretary of the tournament Artem Aleshin.

Interesting fragments of games  1 | 2 | 3   

23-09-2018  Closing ceremony was held at 18.00. Prize-winners of the champiomship were awarded cups, medals and diplomas. Prize-winners in team qualifications were awarded diplomas. Photo from closing ceremony published. Prize fund of the championship was 20 000 euro.

23-09-2018 Men’s finals of the European Draughts-64 Championship are held today.

Ihar Mikhalchenka (Belarus) won Classic program of the European Draughts-64 Championship among men!

Prize-winners of the Classic program of European Championship 2018 among men

Med 1

Mikhalchenka Ihar (Belarus)


Valiuk Andrei (Belarus)


Tsinman Dmitrii (Russia)


Final – men      Protocol

match for 1st place: Mikhalchenka Ihar – Valiuk Andrei      1:1; 1:1; 2:0
match for the 3rd place: Tsinman Dmitrii – Kybartas Andrius      1:1; 1:1; 2:0

match for the 5th place: Norvaishas Arunas – Dosca Ion     1:1; 0:2
match for the 7th place: Shapiro Gennadii Kandrachenka Evgeny     0:2

Teams – prize-winners of the Classic program of the European Championship 2018

Men’s teams Women’s teams
Med 1 Belarus

Med-2 Russia

Med-3 Estonia

 Med 1Moldova

Med-2 Belarus

Med-3  Russia

22-09-2018 Quarterfinals, semifinals and 9, 10 tours for men; women’s semifinals and finals are held today. Results:

Semifinals – men       Protocol

Matches 1-8 places
Mikhalchenka Ihar – Kybartas Andrius    1:1; 2:0
Valiuk Andrei – Tsinman Dmitrii    1:1; 1:1; 2:0
Norvaishas Arunas – Kandrachenka Evgeny    1:1; 2:0
Dosca Ion – Shapiro Gennadii     2:0

Quarterfinals – Men        Protocol

Matches 1-8 places
Mikhalchenka Ihar – Kandrachenka Evgeny     2:0
Norvaishas Arunas – Kybartas Andrius     1:1; 0:2
Valiuk Andrei – Shapiro Gennadii     2:0
Dosca Ion – Tsinman Dmitrii     0:2

22-09-2018  Vera Khvashchynskaya (Belarus) won Classic program of the European Draughts-64 Championship among women!

Prize-winners of the Classic program of European Championship 2018 among women 

Med 1

Khvaschynskaya Vera (Belarus)


Scovitina Elena (Moldova)


Baryshava Anastasiya (Belarus)


Finals – women        Protocol

Matches 1-8 places
match for 1st place: Scovitina, Elena – Khvashchynskaya, Vera    0:2
match for 3rd place: Fedarovich, Darya – Baryshava, Anastasiya    1:1; 1:1; 0:2
match for 5th place: Zaruba, Cristina  – Jocaite, Milda    2:0
match for 7th place: Kriskevich, Maria – Viirma, Piret    2:0

Matches 9-16 places
match for 9th place:  Spirina, Aliaksandra – Tkachenko, Jelena    2:0
match for 11th place: Streltsova, Svetlana – Aleksandrov, Zinaida    2:0
match for 13th place: Pironena, Regina – Tsivtsivadze, Iamze    2:0
match for 15th place: Keronen, Ekaterina – Nacheva, Lusien    2:0

Semifinals – women        Protocol

Matches 1-8 places
Scovitina, Elena – Baryshava, Anastasiya   1:1;  2:0
Khvashchynskaya, Vera – Fedarovich, Darya   2:0
Zaruba, Cristina – Viirma, Piret   2:0
Jocaite, Milda – Kriskevich, Maria   1:1;  1:1;  2:0

Matches 9-16 places
Spirina, Aliaksandra – Aleksandrov, Zinaida   2:0
Streltsova, Svetlana – Tkachenko, Jelena   1:1;  1:1;  0:2
Pironena, Regina – Nacheva, Lusien   2:0
Tsivtsivadze, Iamze – Keronen, Ekaterina   2:0

21-09-2018  The preliminary stage of the classic program of the European championship in draughts-64 among men and women ended. Ihar Mikhalchenka (Belarus) has the best result for men, for women the most titled woman of the tournament – Elena Scovitina (Moldova) is ahead. Next, the top men 8 players will play the European champions in the play-offs. In women, 16 players are divided into 2 subgroups of 8 players. The top 8 players will play 1-8 places, the remaining 8 players will play 9-16 places.

At 15.00 there were matches of 1/4 finals for women. Results:

Matches 1-8 places
Scovitina, Elena – Viirma, Piret     2:0
Khvashchynskaya, Vera – Kriskevich, Maria    2:0
Zaruba, Cristina – Baryshava, Anastasiya    0:2
Jocaite, Milda – Fedarovich, Darya   0:2

Matches 9-16 places
Spirina, Aliaksandra – Nacheva, Lusien   2:0
Streltsova, Svetlana – Keronen, Ekaterina   2:0
Tkachenko, Jelena – Tsivtsivadze, Iamze    1:1;  2:0
Aleksandrov, Zinaida – Pironena, Regina   2:0

20-09-2018 The preliminary stage of the classic program of the European championship in draughts-64 among men and women continues. We start publishing the games. See updates.

18-09-2018  Team results in the European Draughts-64 Championship for Blitz and Rapid program are summed up.

Teams – prize-winners of the Rapid program of the European Championship 2018

Men’s teams Women’s teams
Med 1 Belarus

Med-2 Russia

Med-3 Estonia

 Med 1Moldova

Med-2 Belarus

Med-3  Russia

Teams – prize-winners of the Blitz program of the European Championship 2018

Men’s teams Women’s teams
Med 1  Russia

Med-2  Belarus

Med-3 Estonia

 Med 1Belarus

Med-2  Moldova

Med-3  Russia

18-09-2018 The preliminary stage of Classic program of the European Championship started. The preliminary stage is held according to the Swiss system in 8 rounds for men and  in 7 rounds for women.  See current results.

17-09-2018 Today, Rapid program of the European Championship is held. Rapid program is held on the Brazilian version of draughts-64 in 2 stages. The preliminary stage is held according to the Swiss system in 7 rounds. Next, the best 8 players in men and the 4 best players in women will play the European champions in the play-offs.

For men, the first 8 players play the title of European champion in the quarterfinals, semifinals and finals, playing 2 micro-matches in each competition. Results:

Mikhalchenka Ihar – Norvaishas Arunas          1:1;  2:0
Kandrachenka Evgeny – Tsinman Dmitrii         2:0;
Kybartas Andrius – Getmansky Grigorii            1:1;  2:0
Dosca Ion – Valiuk Andrei                                    0:2;  0:2

Semifinal for the 1-4 place:
Mikhalchenka Ihar – Valiuk Andrei                    1:1;  1:1
Kandrachenka Evgeny – Kybartas Andrius        2:0;

Semifinal for 5-8 place:
Dosca Ion – Norvaishas Arunas                         1:1;  2:0
Getmanskii Grigorii – Tsinman Dmitrii              0:2;  1:1


match for 1st place: Mikhalchenka Ihar – Kandrachenka Evgeny    1:1;  1:1
match for the 3rd place: Valiuk Andrei – Kybartas Andrius               1:1;  2:0

match for the 5th place: Tsinman Dmitrii – Dosca Ion                       1:1;  2:0
match for the 7th place: Norvaishas Arunas – Getmanskii Grigorii  2:0;  2:0

Prize-winners of the Rapid program of European Championship 2018 among men

Med 1

Mikhalchenka Ihar (Belarus)


Kandrachenka Evgeny (Belarus)


Valiuk Andrei (Belarus)

For women, the first 4 players played the title of European Champion in the semifinals and finals, playing 1 micro-match in each competition. Results:

Scovitina Elena – Zaruba Christina                     1:1
Fedarovich Darya – Khvaschynskaya Vera       0:2

match for 1st place:      Scovitina Elena – Khvaschynskaya Vera        1:1
match for the 3rd place: Fedarovich Darya – Zaruba Christina         1:1

Prize-winners of the Rapid program of European Championship 2018 among women 

Med 1

Scovitina Elena (Moldova)


Khvaschynskaya Vera (Belarus)


Fedarovich Darya (Belarus)


16-09-2018 Blitz program of the Championship took place at 15.00. See current results.

According to the regulations, the Blitz program is held in 2 stages. The preliminary stage is held according to the Swiss system in 7-9 rounds. Further the play-offs are held.

For men, the preliminary stage was held in 9 rounds. The first 8 players play the title of European champion in the quarterfinals, semifinals and finals, playing 2 micro-matches in each competition. Results:

Norvaishas Arunas – Gnelitskiy Andrey   1:1; 1:1
Tsinman Dmitrii – Kybartas Andrius         2:0;
Valiuk Andrei – Mikhalchenka Ihar            1: 1; 1: 1
Getmansky Grigorii – Kandrachenka Evgeny  0: 2; 1: 1

Semifinal for the 1-4 place:
Norvaishas Arunas – Kandrachenka Evgeny  1: 1; 2: 0
Tsinman Dmitrii – Valiuk Andrei    1: 1; 1: 1

Semifinal for 5-8 place:
Getmansky Grigorii – Gnelitsky Andrei    1: 1; 0: 2
Mikhalchenko Ihar – Kybartas Andrius    2: 0;


match for 1st place: Norvaishas Arunas – Tsinman Dmitrii            1: 1; 2: 0
match for the 3rd place: Valiuk Andrei – Kandrachenka Evgeny    2: 0;

match for the 5th place: Mikhalchenka Ihar – Gnelitskiy Andrey     2: 0;
match for the 7th place: Kybartas Andrius – Getmanskii Grigorii    0: 2;

Prize-winners of  the Blitz program of European Championship 2018 among men

Med 1

Norvaishas Arunas (Lithuania)


Tsinman Dmitrii (Russia)


Valiuk Andrei (Belarus)

For women, the preliminary stage was held in 7 rounds. The first 4 players played the title of European Champion in the semifinals and finals, playing 2 micro-matches in each competition. Results:

Fedarovich Darya – Khvaschynskaya Vera 2:0;   0:2
Scovitina Elena – Zaruba Christina              2:0;   1:1

match for 1st place:      Fedarovich Darya – Scovitina Elena           0:2;   0:2
match for the 3rd place: Zaruba Cristina – Khvaschynskaya Vera   0:2;   0:2

Prize-winners of the Blitz program of European Championship 2018 among women 

Med 1

Scovitina Elena (Moldova)


Fedarovich Darya (Belarus)


Khvaschynskaya Vera (Belarus)

16-09-2018 Opening ceremony of the competition took place at 12.00.

Participants were greeted by the president of the International Draughts Federation (IDF) Vladimir Langin, Mayor of Kranevo Rumen Nikolov, the president of the Bulgarian Draughts Federation Bogdan Yanev, the sports director of the Sports Complex Aqua Life Igor Korotkov and the children’s dance team of the city of Dobrich “Dobrotitsa”.

IDF President Vladimir Langin and Mayor of Kranevo Rumen Nikolov made the traditional first moves by announcing the start of the championship.

16-09-2018 Personal-team European Draughts-64 Championship 2018 among men and women started today in Sports complex “Aqua Life”, Kranevo (Bulgaria).

Representatives of 15 European countries take part in the competition: Armenia, Belarus, Bulgaria, Germany, Georgia, Israel, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Moldova, Netherlands, Poland, Russia, Finland and Estonia.

The strongest grandmasters of the world, champions and prize-winners of world and European championships of different years have arrived at the European Championship:

Arunas Norvaishas and Andrius Kybartas (Lithuania), Arno Uutma (Estonia), Ion Dosca and Elena Skovitina (Moldova), Ihar Mikhalchenko, Andrei Valyuk, Yevgeny Kondrachenko and Darya Fedorovich (Belarus), Dmitry Tsinman (Russia), Gennady Shapiro (Germany) and Yuri Kirillov (Israel).

Compete with them will be many famous players, champions of their countries.

19-06-2018 Personal-team European Draughts-64 Championship 2018 among men and women will be held from September 15 (arrival day) to September 24, 2018 (departure day) in Sports complex “Aqua Life”, Kranevo (Bulgaria).

Competitions will be held with the support of the Foundation for Assistance for development of Draughts Sports “Russian Draughts.”

Competitions will be held separately for men and for women and will be qualifying for the World Championship 2019.

Within the framework of the personal European Championship following competitions will be held:

European Draughts-64 Championship. Blitz (International/Russian version)
European Draughts-64 Championship. Rapid (Brazilian version)
European Draughts-64 Championship. Classic game (International/Russian version)

Team classification among national federations in all сompetitions will be established. Team composition: 3 players (not less than 2 players) + 3 additional players; women – 2 players + 2 additional players.

Admission to the competition, the size of the tournament fees, conditions of the competition and the reception of participants – in accordance with the Regulation of the European Draughts-64 Championship 2018 among men and women.

Competitions will be held with a large prize fund. The prize fund and the distribution of prizes will be announced additionally.

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