
Calendar 2018 updated

Calendar of the International Draughts Federation (IDF) competitions in 2018 has been updated. Updated calendar published HERE The dates of the 4th stage of the World Cup in Jõgeva (Estonia) are shifted by one day. Competitions will be held from July 30 (arrival day) to August 7 (departure day). The 2nd African Championship will be held from 9 to 14 July …

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New ratings on January 1, 2018 published

New ratings on January 1, 2018 published HERE Russians international grand masters are in the lead. Bronze medalist of the world championship 2017 Vladimir Egorov  is the leader n the world rankings among men and world champion 2017 Zhanna Sarshaeva is the leader n the world rankings among women.

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International Tournament in Israel

The International Draughts-64 Tournament “Israel-2017” is held from 19 to 24 December in the city of Eilat (Israel). Such strongest players as ex-world champions Markiel Fazylov (Israel) and Mikhail Goriunov (Russia, Leningrad region), world champions among veterans Yuri Kirillov and Zinaida Alexandrova (Israel), national grandmasters Dmitry Melnikov (Russia, St. Petersburg) and Mikhail Alshanetsky (Israel), the winner of the World Cup 2017 …

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Results of Uzbekistan Cup among youth national teams

The Uzbekistan Cup in draughts-64 among youth teams (Russian version) was held in the city of Bukhara from 10 to 17 November. The team consists of 10 people (1 boy and 1 girl in each age group). The competitions were held in three programs: Blitz, Rapid and Classic. Prize-winners in all three programs of the Uzbekistan Cup are:

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Results of the World Cup 2017 published

The final standings of the World Cup 2017 in Blitz program, as well as in the Classic and Rapid programs are published in the section – Events – World Cup 2017. You can see the results and download the final standings HERE

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Letter from the IDF President Vladimir Langin

Sorry, this entry is only available in Russian. Опубликовано обращение президента IDF Владимира Лангина к национальным федерациям, спортсменам, всем любителям шашек по письму Федерации шашек России о выходе ФШР из состава IDF и возобновлении работы по развитию шашек 64 (русская версия) в структуре FMJD.

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News from IDF

December 4, 2017 during the World Cup Final in St. Petersburg, meeting of the IDF Board was held. A number of decisions on the World Cup 2018, tournament fees were adopted, new titles were awarded, other issues of current activities were considered.

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Final of World Cup-International competitions memory V. Sokov

International Draughts Federation IDF in accordance with the Calendar of the competitions in 2017 conducted from 2nd December (day of arrival) to 10th December (departure day), 2017 in St. Petersburg (Russia) Final of World Cup 2017 in draughts-64 – International competitions memory Vasily Sokov. Competitions were held with the support of the Foundation for Assistance for development of Draughts Sports “Russian …

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