
Armenian Draughts-64 Championship-2018

On November 10, in the Yerevan Sports School of Sports and Logic Games, the Armenian Draughts-64 Rapid Championship 2018 in Russian draughts among men was held (time control 7 ‘+ 3”). The strongest Armenian draughts players took part in the championship. It was 18 participants from Yerevan, Gegharkunik, Tavush and Syunik. The championship was held in a very tense struggle …

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5th stage of the World Cup – International competition “Portugal-2018”

International Draughts Federation (IDF) together with Portuguese Draughts Federation in accordance with the Calendar of the competitions for 2018 from November 3 (arrival day) to November 10, 2018 (departure day) holds in Portugal 5th stage of the World Cup 2018 in draughts-64 – International competition “Portugal-2018” and other events in draughts-64. Portuguese national team won match: Portuguese national team against the …

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Official appeal to the National Draughts Federations

Sorry, this entry is only available in Russian. Официальное обращение президента IDF к национальным федерациям шашек, руководителям, спортсменам, тренерам и всем любителям шашек по итогам проведения секцией русских шашек FMJD  в Нижневартовске (Россия) чемпионата мира по русским среди мужчин и женщин с 25 октября по 3 ноября 2018 года.

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Barbados World Class Checkers & Draughts Festival

For the first time, the International Draughts Federation (IDF) in the framework of the Barbados World Class Checkers & Draughts Festival, together with the festival organizers, held tournaments in draughts-64. Tournaments in Russian draughts, Pool checkers and Brazilian draughts were held. 23 players from 4 countries: Barbados, Haiti, Germany and Russia took part in competitions. The results were determined in …

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Review of the European Championship games

Interesting fragments and review of the games  of European Draughts-64 Championship among men and women were sent by international grandmaster Dmitry Tsinman and the main secretary of the Championship Artem Aleshin. See publications  HERE  

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European Men and Women Championship

International Draughts Federation IDF in accordance with the calendar of the competitions in 2018 together with the Draughts Federation of Bulgaria holds from September 15 (arrival day) to September 24, 2018 (departure day) in Sports complex “Aqua Life”, Kranevo (Bulgaria) personal-team European Draughts-64 Championship 2018 among men and women. Competitions are qualifying for the World Championship 2019. Representatives of 15 European countries take …

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Appeal of the IDF General Assembly to the Extraordinary General Assembly of the FSHR

September 22, 2018 in Loo, (Sochi, Krasnodar region) will host the extraordinary report-election General Assembly of Draughts Federation of Russia (FSHR), which will be elected the new composition of its leadership. On behalf of the General Assembly of the International Draughts Federation (IDF) held on 30.08.2018 in Kranevo (Bulgaria), which was attended by delegates from 29 countries, IDF President Vladimir …

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IDF regular report-elective General Assembly was held in Bulgaria

August 30, 2018 at the Aqua Life Sports Complex, Kranevo (Bulgaria), during the World Draughts-64 Championship among youth, veterans and teams, the regular report-elective General Assembly (General Meeting) of International Draughts Federation (IDF) was held. The new IDF Board was elected and various issues of IDF activities were considered. A presidential report and a number of documents of the General Assembly …

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World Youth Championship was held in Bulgaria

Personal-team World Youth Championship in draughts-64 among boys and girls was held from 25th August to 4th September 2018 in Sports Complex Aqualife, Kranevo, Bulgaria. Personal Championship was held in six age groups in three types of program: classic, blitz and rapid. Team standings in the overall team classification and among teams of boys and girls were determinated. Participants from 15 countries took part in competitions. Championship completed. Team standings added. See full results. 

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