World Cup 2015 ended. Total 256 players from 24 countries took part in all stages of World Cup 2015 (Belarus, Czech Republic, China, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Ghana, Kazakhstan, Korea, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Moldova, Morocco, Poland, Israel, Italy, Portugal, Russia, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, USA, Uzbekistan). (more…)
Final of World Cup 2015-International competitions memory V. Sokov
International Draughts Federation IDF in accordance with the Calendar of the competitions in 2015 was held from December 06 (day of arrival) to December 13, 2015 in St. Petersburg (Russia) Final of World Cup 2015 – International draughts-64 competitions memory Vasily Sokov. Vladimir Scrabov won Final of World Cup and overal World Cup 2015. Reports of strong international grandmasters about tournament published. (more…)
Tournaments in Saarbrücken, Germany
Draughts tournaments: 6th Open German Draughts 64 Championship and 10th International Saarbrücken Open Draughts 100 tournament was held in Saarbrücken (Germany) from the 20th to the 22th November 2015. See results. (more…)
International competition memory Gringruz
Traditional, 6th International tournament memory Nikolay Gringruz was held in the city of Bendery (Moldova, Tiraspol region) from 4th to 8th November 2015. Tournament dedicated to the Honored coach of the Republic of Moldova Gringruz Nikolay Leontyevich, who trained many top players in draughts-64. 107 players from 6 countries took part in 4 groups – grandmasters, masters, 1st and 2ndcategories, 3rd category and funs. (more…)
Standing after 6 stages of World Cup 2015
Standing after 6 stages of World Cup 2015 published in Section Events – World Cup. International grandmaster Vladimir Skrabov lead with 171 points. Dmitrii Melnikov is on 2nd place. He has 138 points. Dmitry Tsinman with 127 points is on 3rd place only. See more information HERE
The following year Portugal opens the World Cup 2016. 1st Stage of World Cup will be held from 28th May till 4th June in one of the most beautiful cities in Portugal – Setubal, which is located 40 km from Lisbon.
6th Stage of World Cup 2015-International competition “Portugal-2015”
International Draughts Federation IDF together with Portuguese Draughts Federation in accordance with the Calendar of the competitions in 2015 holds from October 31 (arrival day) till November 8, 2015 (departure day) in Albufeira, Portugal 6th Stage of World Cup 2015 in draughts-64 – International competition “Portugal-2015”. Copmetition ended. Vladimir Skrabov won classic program in Russian draughts and blitz in Brazilian draughts. Adil Belyamani from Morocco won rapid in Portuduese draughts. (more…)
Draughts-64 will be represented in the VI TAFISA World Sport Games
Draughts-64 included in the VI TAFISA World Sport for All Games in Jakarta, Indonesia, from 6 to 12 October, 2016. This is a big step forward for the integration of draughts-64 in the world sports family. (more…)
IDF joined to the TAFISA family
October 16, 2015 was a momentous event for the further development and promotion of draughts-64 in the World. The International Draughts Federation (IDF) has become a member of TAFISA, the World’s leading organization in the field of sport for all. Delegates to the 24th World TAFISA Congress in Budapest unanimously voted for this decision. The organization officially recognized by the International Olympic Committee, and actively cooperates with the IOC, the United Nations, UNESCO, the World Health Organization. Today the TAFISA composed of more than 250 members from 150 countries of all continents. Congratulations to all that the draughts-64 entered the world of sports big family! (more…)
5th Stage of World Cup 2015-International competition “France-2015”
International Draughts Federation IDF – FMJD Section-64 in accordance with the Calendar of the competitions in 2015 holds from August 8 (arrival day) till August 15, 2015 (departure day) in Baume-les-Dames (France) 5th Stage of World Cup 2015 in draughts-64 – International competition “France-2015”. 5th Stage of World Cup ended. Grandmaster Dmitrii Melnikov from Russia won. (more…)
World Draughts-64 Championships 2015 among men and women
International Draughts Federation (IDF) – FMJD Section-64 in accordance with the Calendar of the competitions in 2015 holds from 2nd October (arrival day) to 11th October (departure day), 2015 World Championships in draughts-64 among men and women. Championship ended. Sergey Belosheyev (Russia) won in men and Elena Scovitina (Moldova) won in women. (more…)