
National Draughts Championship of India

The National Draughts Championship of India 2020-2021 took place as planned from 26th to 29th January 2021 at DAV SR. SEC. SCHOOL, SEC-8, Chandigarh (India).

Competitions were held in age groups U-8, 11, 14, 17, 19 (boys and girls). (more…)

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Uzbekistan Draughts-64 Cup among teams

The Uzbekistan Draughts-64 Cup among teams became the last tournament in Uzbekistan in the outgoing 2020. The tournament was held in the capital of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, in offline format on December 28 and 29, 2020. The composition of the teams was 4 players: 2 men and 2 women.

Competitions were held in two programs: Blitz and Rapid. Team of Syrdarya region-1 became the winner of the Uzbekistan Cup in both programs. (more…)

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New Year’s greetings of president IDF Vladimir Langin

New Year’s greetings of Vladimir Langin, president of the International Draughts Federation (IDF)

Dear friends!

On behalf of the International Draughts Federation (IDF) and me personally I congratulate draughts players, coaches, organizers, officials and all fans of draughts on the New Year! (more…)

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Preliminary calendar of the IDF competitions in 2021 published

Preliminary calendar of the International Draughts Federation (IDF) competitions in 2021 is published HERE. Some events are still being coordinated and will be included in the calendar later. We invite you to participate!

Applications for holding IDF competitions in 2021, for which the venues and dates have not yet been determined, as well as applications for 2022, can be sent to the IDF office on e-mail: [email protected] no later 15 December 2020. (more…)

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Fight Covid-19 African Open Online Championship was held 11th October 2020

The African Draughts Federation (ADF) in conjunction with The International Draughts Federation (IDF) hosted the Fight COVID-19 African Open Online Championship which took place on 11th October 2020 from 13:00pm London time at platform, Russian Room. 96 athletes from 15 countries took part in the competition.

Vyacheslav Varlamov (Russia) became the winner of the online championship. Enock Banda (Malawi) became the African Champion. Alexandrov Zinaida (Israel) was best woman.


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The Estonian Blitz and Rapid Championships were held in Tallinn (Estonia) on October 10 and 11

The Estonian Blitz and Rapid Championships among men and women were held in the capital of Estonia Tallinn on October 10 and 11.

On October 10, the Estonian Blitz Championships were held. 25 men and 6 women participated. The competitions were held according to the Russian version of draughts-64, round robin system, time control 3’+ 2″, in the women’s championship – in two circles. (more…)

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