
Calendar of competitions for 2019 updated

In the section Events – Calendar 2019 the updated calendar of competitions for 2019 is published. Added one more stage of the World Cup, which will be held in August 2019 during the World Championships among youth, veterans and teams in Bulgaria. Years of birth for the admission of participants in the World Championship among veterans changed. Now, the admission …

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New ratings and titles on January 1, 2019 published

New ratings and titles on January 1, 2019 published. New ratings published  HERE.   See new titles   Men | Women The world ranking is headed by the Russians. International grandmasters, bronze medalist of the world championship 2017 Vladimir Egorov  is the leader n the world rankings among men and world champion 2017 Zhanna Sarshaeva is the leader in the world rankings among women.

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Results of the World Cup 2018 in draughts-64

World Cup 2018 in draughts-64 completed. In 2018, 6 stages were held, which took place in Jamaica, Uzbekistan, Italy, Estonia, Portugal and Georgia. At the closing ceremony of the World Cup final in Georgia, the results of World Cup 2018 were summed up and the prize winners in all nominations were awarded in accordance with the 2018 World Cup Regulations. …

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Traditional draughts tournament memory V. Sokov in St. Petersburg

Traditional Open Draughts Tournament memory of the legendary draughts player Vasily Sokov and competitions among boys and girls in the age groups 2002-2004, 2005-2007, 2008-2009, 2010 and younger, having the status of All-Russian competitions are held in St. Petersburg (Russia) from December 1 (arrival day) to December 9 (departure day) 2018. Team classification is provided in the youth tournament. Team composition is 3 …

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IDF Calendar 2019

Preliminary calendar of the International Draughts Federation (IDF) competitions in 2019 published HERE The IDF Rules of the official competitions for 2019 will be published soon. New in the rules for the next year – in the World Team Championship points in each round will be calculated on the amount of points scored by all team members; participants will be admitted …

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Final of World Cup 2018 – International competition “Georgia-2018”

International Draughts Federation (IDF) in accordance with the Calendar of competitions in 2018 held from 17th to 25th November 2018 in Tbilisi (Georgia) Final of World Cup 2018 in draughts-64 – International competition “Georgia-2018”. Competitions were held in three programs: Blitz, Rapid and Classic. International grandmaster Andrei Valiuk (Belarus) won Blitz and Rapid program. International grandmaster Arunas Norvaishas (Lithuania) won Classic …

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Tournaments in Saarbrücken (Germany)

Following Draughts tournaments were held in Saarbrücken (Germany) from the 16th to the 18th November 2018: Draughts-64 (Brazilian version): 9th Open German Draughts-64 Championship ( 16- 17 November 2018) Draughts-100: Saarbrücken–Open Draughts-100 Tournament (17 – 18 November 2018) International grandmaster Gennady Shapiro (Germany) won 9th Open German Draughts-64 Championship.

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Armenian Draughts-64 Championship-2018

On November 10, in the Yerevan Sports School of Sports and Logic Games, the Armenian Draughts-64 Rapid Championship 2018 in Russian draughts among men was held (time control 7 ‘+ 3”). The strongest Armenian draughts players took part in the championship. It was 18 participants from Yerevan, Gegharkunik, Tavush and Syunik. The championship was held in a very tense struggle …

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