Participation of Foundation “Russian Draughts” in the European Youth Championship, which starts in St. Petersburg 20th April, includes a complete information support, gift sets for all players and prizes for the winners. The fourth in the ranking of the federal citation Internet newspaper “” will be the general information partner of the event. (more…)
Russian Youth Championships U8, U10, U13
Russian Youth Championships among boys and girls in age groups U8, U10 and U13 was held in Yaroslavl region from 25th March to 3rd April in three programs: Blitz, Rapid and Classic. More then 200 players participated. See final results on the site of Draughts Federation of Russia HERE
Ukrainian Youth Championship U19, U13, U8
Ukrainian Youth Championship among boys and girls U19, U13, U8 was held in Vinnitsa. 141 player from 15 regions of Ukraine participated. The results of the competition and photos you can see on the site of Vinnitsa Draughts Federation HERE
28th March the winner of 2 Mind Games (IMSA) in Lille and winner of World Youth Championships Denis Shkatula held a simultaneous game for competitors.
Readers and grandmasters chose the Foundation “Russian Draughts” logo
Draughts community prefer vertically oriented oval depicting the game board on a background of outlines of the globe. Readers, who participated in the selection of the logo, were unanimous, and Grand Masters had different opinions. World champion Sergey Belosheev and the spouses of Langin likes selected option. (more…)
Men Championship of Moldova
International Master Denis Dudсo won the championship of Moldova among men. World champion among women Elena Scovitina took second place and Cristina Zaruba took third place. Championship was held in Chisinau from 21 to 28 March. (more…)
Foundation “Russian Draughts” announced a contest for the logo
Foundation for Promotion of draughts sports “Russian Draughts” announced the vote for the logo that best reflect the spirit of intellectual sport. At the Court of internet users are presented eight options for brand names, one of which in the future will be the official symbol of the Foundation. All eight options you can estimate in the photo gallery on the Foundation’s website and choose your favorite logo HERE (more…)
Fund “Russian Draughts” goes to a wide audience
The Fund for promotion and development of draughts sport “Russian Draughts” open its own news site. With the opening organizers of the Fund expect to attract the maximum attention of the general reader to one of the most popular games in the world – draughts on a standard 64-cell board. (more…)
Youth Championships of different countries
Youth championships, qualifying for the World and European Youth Championships were held in various countries in February and March. We publish the results of:
Russian Youth Championship U16, U19, U23
Russian Youth Championships among boys and girls in age groups U16, U19 and U23 was held in Leningrad region from 4th to 13th March in three programs: Blitz, Rapid and Classic. See more information on the site of Draughts Federation of Russia HERE (more…)
New titles in draughts-64
Meeting of the IDF Board was held February 25, 2016 in St. Petersburg. At the meeting were discussed issues of calendar 2016 and approved the new IDF regulations. The most important of these are Rules of the game and competitions in draughts-64 (Revised 2016) and Regulations for assignment of international titles IDF (See HERE)
IDF in accordance with the Charter begins independently assign the title to the players and referees. IDF Board meeting approved the new IDF titles. (more…)